6 Lesson n°7
6.1 Correction de l’examen de mi-semestre
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6.1.1 telegraph \(\rightarrow\) telegraphic
- /’tel.ɪ.grɑːf/ \(\rightarrow\) /ˌtel.ɪ.’græf.ɪk/
<-ic> is a strong suffix that imposes a primary stress on the penultimate syllable. As a four-syllable paroxytone, “telegraphic” needs a secondary stress on one of the first two syllables. The first syllable carries the secondary stress for two reasons: 1) the root word is stressed on the first syllable; 2) English tends to avoid two consecutive stress syllables.
<-ic> also imposes vowel laxing on the stressed syllables (cf. “automatic”, “phonetic”, “critic”, “exotic”…). However, that laxing is also in compliance with the orthographic rule: <-a> is followed by two non-r consonants, and is therefore lax (as in “cat”). The /æ/ in the penultimate is therefore an instance of rules converging towards the same result.
6.1.2 magic \(\rightarrow\) magician
- /’mædʒ.ɪk/ \(\rightarrow\) /mə.’dʒɪʃ.ən/
<-ian> is a suffix covered by the extended <-ion> rule, which states that the primary stress is carried by the syllable preceding the suffix. In “magician”, <-ian> is pronounced in one syllable, so the word is a paroxytone.
<-i-> in the stressed syllable of words following the extended <-ion> rule is lax (cf. “proposition”, “visual”, “familiar”). this situation goes against the orthographic rule, whereby <-icv> is pronounced /ai/ (cf. ice).
6.1.3 comedy \(\rightarrow\) comedian
- /’kɒm.əd.i/ \(\rightarrow\) /kə.’miːd.i.ən/
<-ian> is a suffix covered by the extended <-ion> rule, which states that the primary stress is carried by the syllable preceding the suffix. In “comedian”, <-ian> is pronounced in two syllables, so the word is a proparoxytone.
If we consider the orthographic rule as the default rule, <-e-> in the stressed syllable of “comedian” is regularly pronounced /iː/, as in “Pete” or “meme”.
6.1.4 Commentaires en vrac
Attention aux notations // <> “”
Attention à la terminologie
- “pénultième” se dit d’une syllabe
- “paroxyton”, d’un mot
- la règle de Luick s’applique à une voyelle
Ne pas parler de NSR dans les mots en <-ion>
“potato” vs. “potation” :(
Où placer l’accent dans “frustration” ? “Inspection” ?
Quelques séquences impossibles :
- /*bjə/
- /*pjə/
- /*djə/
- /*tjə/
- /*sjə/
- /*zjə/
Une seule exception : l’un de ces trois mots…
“Christian” vs. “Christianity” vs. “unchristian”…
Word | Stress Pattern | IPA (RP) | Received Pronunciation | General American |
Christian | /10/ | /’krɪs.tʃən/ | /’krɪs.tʃən/ |
Christianity | /20100/ | /ˌkrɪst.i.’æn.ət.i/ | /ˌkrɪst.i.’æn.ət.i/ |
unchristian | /010/ | /ʌn.’krɪst.jən/ | unchristian |
“hellion”, “bastion”, “onion”
/ɪə/ n’est que la diphtongue transformée par <-r-> !
<-i-> n’est jamais prononcé /i/ ou /iː/
<-ion> \(\rightarrow\) /ʃən/ ou avec le diacritique , pas /ʃn/
6.2 Retours aux suffixes contraignants
6.2.1 Rappel
Nous ne traitons pour le moment que des mots d’au moins trois syllabes.
Au-delà du schéma accentuel, il convient de toujours s’interroger sur la qualité des voyelles :
- des syllabes accentuées en priorité
- sont-elles tendues ou relâchées ?
- mais aussi des syllabes inaccentuées
- sont-elles réduites comme il se doit, ou sont-elles pleines ?
6.2.2 Le suffixe <-ible>
Terminaisons contraignantes qui agissent quel que soit le radical (lexème, pseudo-lexème) avec schéma proparoxyton pour <-ible>
Word | Stress Pattern | IPA (RP) | Received Pronunciation | General American |
incredible | /0100/ | /ɪn.’kred.əb.əl/ | /ˌɪn.’kred.əb.əl/ | |
compatible | /0100/ | /kəm.’pæt.əb.əl/ | /kəm.’pæt.əb.əl/ | |
irascible | /0100/ | /ɪ.’ræs.əb.əl/ | /ɪ.’ræs.əb.əl/ | |
possible | /100/ | /’pɒs.əb.əl/ | /’pɑːs.əb.əl/ | |
invisible | /0100/ | /ɪn.’vɪz.əb.əl/ | /ˌɪn.’vɪz.əb.əl/ | |
indelible | /0100/ | /ɪn.’del.əb.əl/ | /ˌɪn.’del.əb.əl/ | |
responsible | /0100/ | /ri.’spɒns.əb.əl/ | /ri.’spɑːns.əb.əl/ | |
forcible | /100/ | /’fɔːs.əb.əl/ | /’fɔːs.əb.əl/ | |
comprehensible | /20100/ | /ˌkɒmp.ri.’hens.əb.əl/ | /ˌkɑːmp.ri.’hens.əb.əl/ | |
gullible | /100/ | /’gʌl.əb.əl/ | /’gʌl.əb.əl/ |
6.2.3 Attention toutefois à <-igible>
Schéma préproparoxyton (/1000/)
Word | Stress Pattern | IPA (RP) | Received Pronunciation | General American |
eligible | /1000/ | /’el.ɪdʒ.əb.əl/ | /’el.ɪdʒ.əb.əl/ | |
intelligible | /01000/ | /ɪn.’tel.ɪdʒ.əb.əl/ | /ˌɪn.’tel.ɪdʒ.əb.əl/ | |
incorrigible | /01000/ | /ɪn.’kɒr.ɪdʒ.əb.əl/ | /ˌɪn.’kɑːr.ɪdʒ.əb.əl/ | |
negligible | /1000/ | /’neg.lɪdʒ.əb.əl/ | /’neg.lɪdʒ.əb.əl/ |
6.3 Tableau des suffixes neutres
Il s’agit de suffixes détachables, tels que <-less> dans “toothless”, mais pas dans “unless” ou “nevertheless”.