9 Lesson n°10

9.1 Correction

9.1.1 Practice… With all vowels!

IPA Word
/tʃes/ chess
/waɪt/ white
/dʒɔɪn/ join
/ðeə/ there
/luːz/ lose
/wɜːst/ worst
/niː/ knee
/bəʊθ/ both
/bʊʃ/ bush
/sʌtʃ/ such
IPA Word
/ʃelf/ shelf
/stuːl/ stool
/grəʊz/ grows
/ʃʊd/ should
/həʊpt/ hoped
/mʌtʃ/ much
/ʃeə/ share
/θɔːt/ thought
/truː/ true
/θruː/ through
Word Stress Pattern IPA (RP) Received Pronunciation General American
throw /1/ /θrəʊ/ /θroʊ/
burnt /1/ /bɜːnt/ /bɜ˞ːnt/
deer /1/ /dɪə/ /dɪr/
class /1/ /klɑːs/ /klæs/
check /1/ /tʃek/ /tʃek/
hum /1/ /hʌm/ /hʌm/
gang /1/ /gæŋ/ /gæŋ/
snare /1/ /sneə/ /sner/
light /1/ /laɪt/ /laɪt/
whale /1/ /weɪl/ /weɪl/
Word Stress Pattern IPA (RP) Received Pronunciation General American
earth /1/ /ɜːθ/ /ɜ˞ːθ/
stroke /1/ /strəʊk/ /stroʊk/
horse /1/ /hɔːs/ /hɔːrs/
choke /1/ /tʃəʊk/ /tʃoʊk/
square /1/ /skweə/ /skwer/
lame /1/ /leɪm/ /leɪm/
week /1/ /wiːk/ /wiːk/
view /1/ /vjuː/ /vjuː/
blush /1/ /blʌʃ/ /blʌʃ/
squint /1/ /skwɪnt/ /skwɪnt/

9.2 Silent letters

The following lists of words all contain silent letters. Can you identify them?

IPA Word
/aɪəl/ aisle
/kʊd/ could
/krʌm/ crumb
/dæm/ damn
/det/ debt
/bɒm/ bomb
/daʊt/ doubt
/kɑːm/ calm
/dʌm/ dumb
/tʃɔːk/ chalk
Word Stress Pattern IPA (RP) Received Pronunciation General American
folk /1/ /fəʊk/ /foʊk/
gnat /1/ /næt/ /næt/
gnaw /1/ /nɔː/ /nɔː/
knob /1/ /nɒb/ /nɑːb/
half /1/ /hɑːf/ /hæf/
knock /1/ /nɒk/ /nɑːk/
heir /1/ /eə/ /er/
knee /1/ /niː/ /niː/
thumb /1/ /θʌm/ /θʌm/
sword /1/ /sɔːd/ /sɔːrd/

9.3 Exceptions

9.3.1 Mots en <-o->

Transcrivez les mots suivants et expliquez pourquoi ces mots sont des exceptions.

  • Exemple :


Word Stress Pattern IPA (RP) Received Pronunciation General American
bold /1/ /bəʊld/ /boʊld/
both /1/ /bəʊθ/ /boʊθ/
cold /1/ /kəʊld/ /koʊld/
comb /1/ /kəʊm/ /koʊm/
don’t // /NA/ don’t
fold /1/ /fəʊld/ /foʊld/
front /1/ /frʌnt/ /frʌnt/
ghost /1/ /gəʊst/ /goʊst/
lose /1/ /luːz/ /luːz/
month /1/ /mʌnθ/ /mʌnθ/
Word Stress Pattern IPA (RP) Received Pronunciation General American
most /1/ /məʊst/ /moʊst/
old /1/ /əʊld/ /oʊld/
once /1/ /wʌns/ /wʌns/
roll /1/ /rəʊl/ /roʊl/
son /1/ /sʌn/ /sʌn/
toll /1/ /təʊl/ /toʊl/
tomb /1/ /tuːm/ /tuːm/
tongue /1/ /tʌŋ/ /tʌŋ/
wolf /1/ /wʊlf/ /wʊlf/
womb /1/ /wuːm/ /wuːm/

9.4 Homework


Listen to the following words and transcribe them:


Listen to the following words and transcribe them:
