20 Lesson n°10

20.1 Rule

The syllable before the suffix carries primary stress.

The vowel takes its orthographic value except <-i->, which is lax.

20.1.1 Extending the rule

  • Extended <-ion>: < e/i/u/y + V1 + C 0 + (e) >
Word Stress Pattern IPA (RP) Received Pronunciation General American
habitual /0100/ /hə.’bɪtʃ.u.əl/ /hə.’bɪtʃ.u.əl/
courageous /010/ /kə.’reɪdʒ.əs/ /kə.’reɪdʒ.əs/
superfluous /0100/ /su.’pɜːf.lu.əs/ superfluous
official /010/ /ə.’fɪʃ.əl/ /ə.’fɪʃ.əl/
ingredient /0100/ /ɪn.’griːd.i.ənt/ /ɪn.’griːd.i.ənt/
cereal /100/ /’sɪər.i.əl/ /’sɪr.i.əl/
delicious /010/ /di.’lɪʃ.əs/ /di.’lɪʃ.əs/
insomniac /0100/ /ɪn.’sɒm.ni.æk/ /ˌæn.’sɑːm.ni.ˌæk/
influence /100/ /’ɪnf.lu.əns/ /’ɪnf.lu.əns/
peculiar /0100/ /pi.’kjuːl.i.ə/ peculiar

BEWARE! the suffix can be pronounced either in one syllable (“nation”), or two (“peculiar”).

So now you’re able to figure out the correct pronunciation of a lot of words!

Can you find a notorious exception?

Word Stress Pattern IPA (RP) Received Pronunciation General American
notorious /0100/ /nəʊ.’tɔːr.i.əs/ /nəʊ.’tɔːr.i.əs/
exception /010/ /ɪk.’sep.ʃən/ /ɪk.’sep.ʃən/
television /1020/ /’tel.ɪ.ˌvɪʒ.ən/ /’tel.ɪ.ˌvɪʒ.ən/
perpetual /0100/ /pə.’petʃ.u.əl/ /pə.’petʃ.u.əl/
relationship /0100/ /ri.’leɪʃ.ən.ʃɪp/ /ri.’leɪʃ.ən.ˌʃɪp/
magician /010/ /mə.’dʒɪʃ.ən/ /mə.’dʒɪʃ.ən/
mysterious /0100/ /mi.’stɪər.i.əs/ /ˌmɪ.’stɪr.i.əs/
impressionist /0100/ /ɪm.’preʃ.ən.ɪst/ /ˌɪm.’preʃ.ən.ɪst/
punctually /1000/ /’pʌŋk.tʃu.əl.i/ punctually
conveniently /01000/ /kən.’viːn.i.ənt.li/ conveniently
championship /1000/ /’tʃæmp.i.ən.ʃɪp/ /’tʃæmp.i.ən.ˌʃɪp/

20.2 Words ending with -ee/-oo(C)

Word Stress Pattern IPA (RP) Received Pronunciation General American
kangaroo /201/ /ˌkæŋ.gə.’ruː/ /ˌkæŋ.gə.’ruː/
balloon /01/ /bə.’luːn/ /bə.’luːn/
guarantee /201/ /ˌgær.ən.’tiː/ /ˌger.ən.’tiː/
discreet /01/ /di.’skriːt/ /ˌdɪ.’skriːt/
genteel /01/ /dʒen.’tiːl/ /dʒen.’tiːl/
degree /01/ /di.’griː/ /di.’griː/
refugee /201/ /ˌref.ju.’dʒiː/ /’ref.ju.dʒiː/
bamboo /21/ /ˌbæm.’buː/ /bæm.’buː/
saloon /01/ /sə.’luːn/ /sə.’luːn/
referee /201/ /ˌref.ə.’riː/ /ˌref.ə.’riː/
cartoon /01/ /kɑː.’tuːn/ /kɑː.’tuːn/
tycoon /01/ /taɪ.’kuːn/ /taɪ.’kuːn/
monsoon /21/ /ˌmɒn.’suːn/ /mɒn.’suːn/
career /01/ /kə.’rɪə/ /kə.’rɪr/
taboo /01/ /tə.’buː/ /tə.’buː/
jamboree /201/ /ˌdʒæm.bə.’riː/ jamboree
trainee /21/ /ˌtreɪ.’niː/ /’treɪ.’neɪ/
careen /01/ /kə.’riːn/ /kə.’riːn/
tattoo /01/ /tæ.’tuː/ /tæ.’tuː/
dragoon /01/ /drə.’guːn/ dragoon
engineer /201/ /ˌendʒ.ɪ.’nɪə/ /ˌendʒ.ɪ.’nɪr/
volunteer /201/ /ˌvɒl.ən.’tɪə/ /ˌvɑːl.ən.’tɪr/
payee /21/ /ˌpeɪ.’iː/ payee
nominee /201/ /ˌnɒm.ɪ.’niː/ /ˌnɑːm.ɪ.’niː/
canteen /01/ /kæn.’tiːn/ /kæn.’tiːn/
trustee /21/ /ˌtrʌ.’stiː/ /ˌtrʌ.’stiː/
bassoon /01/ /bə.’suːn/ /bə.’suːn/
addressee /201/ /ˌædr.es.’iː/ /ˌædr.es.’iː/
buffoon /01/ /bə.’fuːn/ /bə.’fuːn/
dedicatee /2001/ /ˌded.ɪk.ə.’tiː/ dedicatee
baboon /01/ /bə.’buːn/ /bə.’buːn/