17 Lesson n°7
17.2 Practice makes perfect
17.2.1 Ex2
Word | Stress Pattern | IPA (RP) | Received Pronunciation | General American |
gastronomic | /2010/ | /ˌgæs.trə.’nɒm.ɪk/ | /gæs.ˌtrɑː.’nɑːm.ɪk/ | |
mutual | /100/ | /’mjuːtʃ.u.əl/ | /’mjuːtʃ.u.əl/ | |
enigmatic | /2010/ | /ˌen.ɪg.’mæt.ɪk/ | /ˌen.ɪg.’mæt.ɪk/ | |
parsimonious | /20100/ | /ˌpɑːs.ɪ.’məʊn.i.əs/ | parsimonious | |
mutual | /100/ | /’mjuːtʃ.u.əl/ | /’mjuːtʃ.u.əl/ | |
studious | /100/ | /’stjuːd.i.əs/ | /’stjuːd.i.əs/ | |
financial | /010/ | /faɪ.’nænʃ.əl/ | /faɪ.’nænʃ.əl/ | |
mediate | /100/ | /’miːd.i.eɪt/ | /’miːd.i.ˌeɪt/ | |
sardonic | /010/ | /sɑː.’dɒn.ɪk/ | /sɑː.’dɑːn.ɪk/ | |
referential | /2010/ | /ˌref.ə.’renʃ.əl/ | referential |
17.2.2 Ex3
Word | Stress Pattern | IPA (RP) | Received Pronunciation | General American |
frenetic | /010/ | /frə.’net.ɪk/ | /frə.’net.ɪk/ | |
angelic | /010/ | /æn.’dʒel.ɪk/ | /ˌæn.’dʒel.ɪk/ | |
meritorious | /20100/ | /ˌmer.ɪ.’tɔːr.i.əs/ | /ˌmer.ɪ.’tɔːr.i.əs/ | |
variate | /100/ | /’veər.i.ət/ | variate | |
menial | /100/ | /’miːn.i.əl/ | /’miːn.i.əl/ | |
industrious | /0100/ | /ɪn.’dʌs.tri.əs/ | /ˌɪn.’dʌs.tri.əs/ | |
comic | /10/ | /’kɒm.ɪk/ | /’kɑːm.ɪk/ | |
conciliate | /0100/ | /kən.’sɪl.i.eɪt/ | conciliate | |
melodious | /0100/ | /mə.’ləʊd.i.əs/ | /mə.’loʊd.i.əs/ | |
melancholic | /2010/ | /ˌmel.ən.’kɒl.ɪk/ | /ˌmel.ən.’kɑːl.ɪk/ |
17.2.3 Ex4
Word | Stress Pattern | IPA (RP) | Received Pronunciation | General American |
fanatic | /010/ | /fə.’næt.ɪk/ | /fə.’næt.ɪk/ | |
pedestrian | /0100/ | /pə.’des.tri.ən/ | /pə.’des.tri.ən/ | |
meridian | /0100/ | /mə.’rɪd.i.ən/ | /mə.’rɪd.i.ən/ | |
victorious | /0100/ | /vɪk.’tɔːr.i.əs/ | /vɪk.’tɔːr.i.əs/ | |
cautious | /10/ | /’kɔːʃ.əs/ | /’kɔːʃ.əs/ | |
associate | /0100/ | /ə.’səʊʃ.i.eɪt/ | /ə.’soʊʃ.i.eɪt/ | |
premium | /100/ | /’priːm.i.əm/ | /’priːm.i.əm/ | |
grammarian | /0100/ | /grə.’meər.i.ən/ | grammarian | |
residual | /0100/ | /ri.’zɪd.ju.əl/ | /ri.’zɪd.ju.əl/ | |
ferocious | /010/ | /fə.’rəʊʃ.əs/ | /fə.’roʊʃ.əs/ |
17.3 Introduction to connected speech
Transcribe the following sentence:
Things have got better at home recently with my eldest daughter
/’θɪŋz əv ’gɒt ə ’lɒp ’betər ət ’həʊm ’riːsəntli wɪð maɪ ’eldɪs ’dɔːtə/
The stress mark of meaningful monosyllabics is indicated
No punctuation or capital letters.