5 DNMADE 3ème année
5.1 Vocabulaire
Français | English |
aborder un problème | to address an issue |
augmenter | to increase |
bien que | although |
dans quelle mesure | to what extent |
de plus | furthermore |
dès le départ | right off the bat |
en dépit de | despite |
exécution, mise en œuvre | implementation |
les résultats | the findings |
mettre à nu | to lay bare |
pertinent | relevant |
puisque | since |
se concentrer sur | to focus on |
un but (p…) | a purpose |
un échantillon | a sample |
une tendance | a trend |
un moyen de | a means to |
un résultat (o…) | an outcome |
un résumé | a summary |
viser à, avoir pour but de | to aim to |
gâcher | to waste |
un conseil (t…) | a tip |
un conseil (a…) | advice |
une poubelle (UK) | a rubbish bin |
une poubelle (US) | a trash can |
évaluer | to assess |
réparer | to fix |
se plaindre, geindre | to whine |
stupéfier, “scotcher” | to blow |
résoudre | to solve |
fournir qqch à qn (p…) | to provide sb with |
fournir qqch à qn (s…) | to supply sb with |
actuel | current |
une étude, un sondage | a survey |
développer une compétence | to hone a skill |
être engagé à | to be committed to + ING |
défendre (une idée) | to advocate |
développement durable | sustainability |
un plan de mesures | a scheme |
faire l’éloge de | to praise |
se moquer de | to poke fun at |
inclure | to comprise |
en apparence | seemingly |
accueillir, héberger | to host |
se mettre en route, chercher à | to set out |
une recette | a recipe |
à l’intérieur de | within |
attacher, fermer | to fasten |
champ, portée, marge de manœuvre | scope |
bien aimer qqch | to be fond of stg |
agencement, disposition, maquette | a layout |
un but, un objectif (p…) | a purpose |
un scrupule | a qualm |
qui s’ensuit, final | eventual |
un équipage | a crew |
probable, susceptible | likely |
s’excuser de qqch | to apologize |
agile | nimble |
avertir | to warn |
diriger qqch | to head stg |
rendement, productivité | output |
manipuler qqch | to handle stg |
confier qqch à qn | to entrust sb with stg |
une esquisse | a sketch |
une forme | a shape |
continuer, poursuivre | to carry on |
vivant, plein d’entrain | lively |
reconnaître, admettre | to acknowledge |
exercer une influence sur | to exert influence on |
numérique | digital |
façon de penser, état d’esprit | mindset |
au cours de (temps) | over |
un logiciel | a software |
sinueux | windy (/aI/) |
un brouillon | a draft |
aiguiser, affiner | to hone |
to hire | embaucher |
décomposer qqch en | to break down into |
véritable, réel | actual |
rationaliser, rendre plus efficace | to streamline |
finir, aboutir | to wind up |
une exigence, une condition | a requirement |
personnalisé (b…) | bespoke |
personnalisé (t…) | tailored |
trompeur (…ful) | deceitful |
trompeur (…ive) | deceptive |
qui induit en erreur | misleading |
un accord, une approbation | an approval |
papeterie | stationery |
finir par faire qqch | to wind up doing stg |
véhiculer, transmettre | to convey |
rappeler qqch à qn | to remind sb of stg |
convaincre qn de dépenser plus | to upsell |
attendre qqch de qn | to expect sb to do stg |
un modèle | a template |
une affiche | a billboard |
audacieux | bold |
aller chercher, atteindre | to fetch |
engranger, récolter | to bag |
un rejeton, une ramification | an offshoot |
une sérigraphie | a screenprint |
défigurer | to deface |
un bien, un actif, un atout | an asset |
déchiqueter, réduire en lambeaux | to shred |
une vente aux enchères | an auction |
un dollar (fam.) | a buck |
un gros titre | a headline |
un point de bascule | a tipping point |
un décor, un arrière-plan | a backdrop |
caracoler | to prance |
contempler, regarder fixement | to glaze at |
être bloqué | to be stuck |
un objet, un jeton, une marque | a token |
la propriété, la possession | ownership |
cupide | greedy |
une arnaque | a scam |
un service public | a utility |
chercher | to watch for |
une flambée, une poussée | a surge |
une monnaie, une devise | a currency |
un actif, un bien, un atout | an asset |
une enchère | an auction |
un droit, une prétention | a claim |
assaillir | to beset |
une étagère | a rack |
une cabane | a shed |
surgir brusquement | to spring up |
se connecter | to hook up |
un entrepôt | a warehouse |
une rangée | a row |
la richesse | wealth |
un terrain, un domaine | a realm |
un impact, un dégât | a toll |
manipuler, forcer | to tamper |
un registre | a ledger |
des honoraires, des frais | fees |
un cadre, un environnement | a framework |
décoller | to take off |
détaché | unmoored |
changer, transférer | to shift |
verser | to pour |
une installation | a setup |
un engouement | a craze |
peu économique, qui gaspille | wasteful |
sensibiliser | to raise awareness |
un actif, un atout | an asset |
une devise, une monnaie | a currency |
un engouement, une mode | a craze |
improbable | unlikely |
une enchère, une offre d’achat | a bid |
suivre la dernière tendance | to jump on the bandwagon |
une escroquerie | a con |
posséder | to own |
au-delà de | beyond |
détruire, faire disparaître | to wipe out |
pourrir, se décomposer | to decay |
une toile | a canvas |
étendre, étirer | to stretch |
l’artisanat, le talent artistique | craft |
une tache | a blotch |
donner la parole | to give the floor |
gronder, passer un savon | to tell off |
une pièce exposée | an exhibit |
des instructions | guidelines |
candidater | to apply for |
une petite annonce | a job advert |
une lettre de motivation | a cover letter |
un poste | a position |
une piéce jointe | an attachment |
présenter/mettre en page | to lay out |
le responsable des recrutements | the hiring manager |
exact, précis | accurate |
intenter un procès | to sue |
s’accroupir | to crouch |
selon, d’après | according to |
un indice | a clue |
comestible | edible |
provenir de | to stem from |
échapper à | to elude |
menacer | to threaten |
un but, un objectif (a…) | an aim |
résoudre | to work out |
destinataire, récipiendaire | a recipient |
esquisser | to sketch |
une vue d’ensemble | an overview |
une mission, une tâche | an assignment |
un fonctionnaire | a civil servant |
démarrer de rien | to start from scratch |
un réseau | a network |
saluer, célébrer | to hail |
le manque de soin, la négligence | sloppiness |
épuré | uncluttered |
glissant | slippery |
mélanger | to jumble |
qui met en colère | infuriating |
coller derrière (en voiture) | to tailgate |
torturer, harceler | to plague |
élégant | sleek |
légèrement | slightly |
potelé | chubby |
la couverture médiatique | coverage |
5.2 Définitions
Français | English |
to manage | to succeed in accomplishing |
a gig | a job, usually for a specified time |
to whine | to complain about things all the time |
angsty | feeling, showing, or expressing anxiety |
a mindset | a person’s way of thinking and their opinions |
to fix | to repair, to mend |
advice | a recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct |
to waste | to allow to be used inefficiently |
tough love | love or affectionate concern expressed in a stern or unsentimental manner |
to assess | to determine the rate or amount of something |
to mislay | to lose something temporarily by forgetting where you have put it |
empirical | based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory |
a scheme | an officially organized plan or system |
to poke fun at sb | to make someone seem stupid by making jokes about them or laughing unkindly |
to praise | to express admiration or approval of the achievements or characteristics of a person or thing |
to comprise stg | to have things or people as parts or members, to consist of stg |
to set out | to start an activity with a particular aim |
seemingly | appearing to be something, especially when this is not true |
fat | the substance under the skin of humans and animals that stores energy and keeps them warm |
within | inside or not further than an area or period of time |
to host | to provide the space and other things necessary for a special event |
to fasten | to (cause something to) become firmly fixed together, or in position, or closed |
to whinge, to whine | to complain about things all the time |
an obituary | a notice of a person’s death usually with a short biographical account |
a craft | an occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill |
an aim | a clearly directed intent or purpose |
a monotype | an impression on paper of a design painted usually with the finger or a brush on a surface (such as glass) |
scholarly | containing a serious detailed study of a subject |
endpaper | a once-folded sheet of paper having one leaf pasted flat against the inside of the front or back cover of a book and the other pasted at the base to the first or last page |
cautionary | giving a warning |
to commission stg | to request sb to create a piece of art |
a typescript | a typed copy of a piece of writing such as a book |
to work out | to happen or develop in a particular way |
allotted | given or made available for a particular purpose |
a festschrift | a volume of writings by different authors presented as a tribute or memorial especially to a scholar |
faintly | slightly or not strongly |
to run riot | to behave in a way that is not controlled, running in all directions or being noisy or violent |
a revise | a printing proof that incorporates changes marked in a previous proof |
sentient | able to experience feelings |
a casualty | sb killed or injured in a war or accident |
absent-minded | lost in thought and unaware of one’s surroundings or actions |
leave | authorized absence from duty or employment |
eyesight | the process, power, or function of seeing |
to hone | to make more acute, intense, or effective |
hard-knock | marked by difficult or painful experiences or circumstances |
to fit | to insert or adjust until correctly in place |
a draft | a preliminary sketch, outline, or version |
to rattle | to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises |
windy | having a curved or spiral course or form |
softwares | programs for a computer |
the bottom line | the primary or most important consideration |
prospective | relating to or effective in the future |
an approval | an act or instance of agreeing on something |
to break down | to divide into parts or categories |
to streamline | to make simpler or more efficient |
a mock-up | a full-sized structural model built to scale chiefly for study, testing, or display |
to upsell | to try to convince (a customer) to purchase something additional or at a higher cost |
to flesh out | to provide more information about something, to make something more complete by adding details |
to draw out | to remove, to extract |
to cleanse | to rid of impurities by or as if by washing |
signage | all the signs that advertise a product or company |
closure | an often comforting or satisfying sense of finality |
hip | very fashionable, trendy |
premium | a high value or a value in excess of that normally or usually expected |
to wrap up | to summarize, to bring to a usually successful conclusion |
to dispel | to cause to disappear |
to elude | to escape the perception, understanding, or grasp of |
a recipient | one that receives |
a purpose | something set up as an object or end to be attained |
to stem from | to be caused by, to come from |
an overview | a general survey, a summary |
an assignment | a specified task or amount of work given by authority |
to work out | to solve (something, such as a problem) by a process of reasoning or calculation |
to sketch | to make a rough draft, or outline of |
accurate | free from error especially as the result of care |
to sue | to seek justice or right from (a person) by legal process |
to drop | to cease to be of concern |
to sell like hot cakes | to sell at a rapid rate |
to crouch | to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs |
edible | something that is suitable or safe to eat |
to threaten | to express an intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage |
according to | in conformity with, as stated by |
to come through | to be expressed or communicated |
a clue | a piece of evidence that leads one toward the solution of a problem |
5.3 Traductions
Français | English |
Voilà trois mois que je réfléchis à ce projet | I’ve been thinking about this project for three months. |
Les résultats fournissent aux concepteurs graphiques des conseils supplémentaires. | The findings provide designers with additional advice. |
L’étude cherche à déterminer dans quelle mesure les pratiques actuelles sont durables et écologiques. | The survey investigates how green and sustainable the current procedures are. |
Le problème que cet article aborde m’intéresse vivement | I’m highly interested in the issue this article addresses. |
Si j’avais su, j’aurais pris le temps de développer mes compétences artistiques | If I had known, I would have taken the time to hone my artistic skills. |
De nombreux graphistes se sont engagés à promouvoir le développement durable | Many graphic designers are committed to promoting sustainability. |
On dit souvent que la publicité est trompeuse | Advertising is often said to be deceptive. |
Je n’aurais pas dû envoyer mes suggestions par courriel au client. | I shouldn’t have emailed my proposals to the client. |
Notre entreprise offre des images de marque personnalisées. | Our company offers tailored brand identities. |
Ces résultats doivent être interprétés prudemment, l’étendue de notre étude restant assez limitée. | These findings must be taken with caution as the scope of our study remains quite limited. |
Mes recherches m’ont conduit(e) à remettre en cause les approches actuelles | My research led me to question current approaches. |
Il y a de très fortes chances que les méthodes changent dans les prochaines années | Methods are very likely to change over the next few years. |
On peut raisonnablement dire que les pratiques numériques ont exercé une influence considérable sur notre façon de penser | Digital uses can reasonably be said to have exerted great influence on our mindsets. |
On pense souvent que les jeux vidéos sont mauvais pour les enfants | Video-games are often thought to be detrimental to children |
Le problème que nous cherchons à résoudre dans cette étude n’a encore jamais été abordé | The issue we wish to solve in the present study has never been addressed. |
Afin de tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle les graphistes ont un rôle à jouer dans le développement durable, nous avons mis en place les procédures expérimentales suivantes | In order to test the hypothesis that graphic designers play a role in sustainability, we set up the following experimental procedures. |
On peut dire de ce diaporama qu’il a été très bien conçu. | This slide show can be said to have been really well designed. |
Je dois admettre que leur proposition est assez trompeuse | I acknowledge that their proposal is quite deceptive. |
Permettez-moi de vous rappeler les mots-clefs que vous aviez suggérés pour votre publicité | Allow me to remind you of the keywords you’d suggested for your advertisement. |
Nous avons choisi cette maquette afin de mettre en valeur le logo. | We chose this layout in order to enhance the logo. |
Pourriez-vous revenir quelques diapositives en arrière? | Would you mind going back a few slides? |
Ils ont refusé toutes les propositions que nous avons faites. | They turned down all the offers we put forward. |
J’ai très peu dormi depuis que j’ai commencé à travailler sur ce projet | I have slept very little since I started working on this project. |
On nous a enfin donné des informations sur les nouvelles compétences | At long last we have been given new information on the new skills. |
Je commencerai à rédiger quand j’aurai terminé d’organiser mes idées | I will start writing when I have finished organizing my ideas. |
Si les choses étaient plus claires, je serais plus efficace | If things were clearer, I would be more efficient. |
Aujourd’hui je vais vous présenter le projet sur lequel nous travaillons depuis décembre | Today I’m going to present the project we’ve been working on since December. |
Au cours des trois derniers jours, nous avons contacté une vingtaine d’entreprises afin de décrocher un investissement | Over the last three days, we have contacted 20-odd companies to land an investment. |
Nous ne sommes pas encore parvenus à résoudre le problème que soulève cette approche. | We haven’t been able to solve the issue raised by this approach yet. |
Nous n’aurions pas dû leur envoyer autant d’options, ils n’ont rien dû comprendre. | We shouldn’t have sent them so many options, they must have made very little sense of them. |
Je vous écris afin de postuler au poste de concepteur graphique dans votre entreprise | I am writing to apply for the job of graphic designer in your company. |
J’ai obtenu mon diplôme en 2021 et ai fait 2 stages depuis. | I graduated in 2021 and I have done two internships since then. |
Je suis disponible pour un entretien à un créneau de votre choix. | I am available for an interview at a time of your convenience. |
Dans l’espoir de vous rencontrer bientôt… | Looking forward to meeting you very soon… |
Le client veut que nous concevions quelque chose de plus épuré | The customer wants us to design something sleeker |
Tu ne penses pas qu’on devrait plutôt mettre cette partie en minuscules? | Don’t you think we should use lowercase letters for this part instead? |
Il faut reporter cette réunion, nous n’avons aucune nouvelle idée à suggérer | This meeting must be put off, we have no new ideas to put forward. |
Ils auraient quand même pu nous prévenir un peu plus tôt | Still they could have let us know a little earlier |
Le client veut absolument que nous respections les échéances | The customer really wants us to meet the deadlines |
Ce que nous allons faire ensuite dépend de votre décision | What we do next depends on your decision. |
Je serais ravi de discuter de ma candidature avec vous à un moment de votre choix | I would be delighted to discuss my application at your earliest convenience. |
Dans l’attente de votre retour… | Looking forward to hearing from you |
5.4 Flashcards
Images | Expressions |
![]() |
01 calvert |
![]() |
02 calvert |
![]() |
03 calvert |
![]() |
04 calvert |
![]() |
a billboard |
![]() |
a blackboard |
![]() |
a brick |
![]() |
a cell and its nucleus |
![]() |
a centrepiece |
![]() |
a color swatch |
![]() |
a deer |
![]() |
a drawing board |
![]() |
a drum |
![]() |
a fastener |
![]() |
a loaf of bread |
![]() |
a loop around the city |
![]() |
a mansion |
![]() |
a mansion |
![]() |
a palate cleanser |
![]() |
a placard |
![]() |
a puddle jumper |
![]() |
a rubbish bin |
![]() |
a sample |
![]() |
a satchel |
![]() |
a scrunchie |
![]() |
a sign peppered with bullet holes |
![]() |
a sketchpad |
![]() |
a slide show |
![]() |
a split background |
![]() |
a squirrel |
![]() |
a thorn |
![]() |
a trail |
![]() |
a trend |
![]() |
a wax seal |
![]() |
a wheel |
![]() |
a windy road |
![]() |
an all time high |
![]() |
book binding |
![]() |
compass |
![]() |
Cornish clotted Cream |
![]() |
crouch |
![]() |
cufflinks |
![]() |
different typefaces |
![]() |
endpaper |
![]() |
glass cases of rare books |
![]() |
glasscases of rare books |
![]() |
gold foil |
![]() |
googly eyes |
![]() |
letter A with flourishes |
![]() |
letterA with flourishes |
![]() |
letterpress printing |
![]() |
Melton Mowbray Pork Pies |
![]() |
mockup designs |
![]() |
monotype printing |
![]() |
scaffolding |
![]() |
silkscreen |
![]() |
spurs |
![]() |
Stilton cheese |
![]() |
Stornoway black pudding |
![]() |
sustainability |
![]() |
the Distinguished Flying Cross |
![]() |
thumbnail sketching |
![]() |
to assess |
![]() |
to bounce |
![]() |
to dive into |
![]() |
to fix |
![]() |
to link |
![]() |
to unveil |
![]() |
to yield |
![]() |
uneven |
![]() |
wayfinding design |
5.5 Pronunciation
Images | Expressions |
advice | |
allow | |
approach | |
approval | |
area | |
attach | |
author | |
average | |
both | |
casualty | |
choose | |
cleanse | |
closure | |
collaborative | |
common | |
compass | |
complete | |
degree | |
digest | |
digital | |
draw | |
entire | |
flourish | |
focus | |
intricate | |
isolate | |
level | |
lively | |
logo | |
manage | |
mansion | |
medium | |
metaphor | |
method | |
obituary | |
outcome | |
package | |
palate | |
period | |
placard | |
pleasure | |
prerequisite | |
process | |
project | |
provide | |
pudding | |
purpose | |
recipe | |
relevant | |
result | |
revival | |
riot | |
scheme | |
sequence | |
squirrel | |
status | |
streamline | |
study | |
summary | |
template | |
tough | |
trend | |
within | |
yield |