3 DNMADE 1ère année
3.1 Vocabulaire
Français | English |
15 sur 20 | 15 out of 20 |
abandonner | to give up |
adhérer à qqch | to subscribe to stg |
alors que | whereas |
améliorer, faire des progrès | to improve |
appartenir à | to belong to |
approvisionner, fournir | to supply |
attendre de qn qu’il fasse qqch | to expect sb to do stg |
bien que | although |
capacité d’attention | attention span |
cautionner | to endorse |
concret | hands-on |
de la boue | mud |
des aiguilles à tricoter | knitting needles |
du mobilier, des meubles | furniture |
écouter qqch | to listen to stg |
expliciter, détailler | to spell out |
fierté, orgueil | pride |
fonder | to found |
froncer les sourcils, désapprouver qqch | to frown (on stg) |
grandir | to grow up |
interdire (b…) | to ban |
interdire (f…) | to forbid |
interdire (p…) | to prohibit |
le siège d’une entreprise | the headquarters |
mais, pourtant | yet |
même si (concession) | even though |
mettre en oeuvre | to implement |
obligatoire | compulsory |
pendant que | while |
pouvoir s’acheter qqch | to afford something |
réclamer, exiger | to call for |
rendre un hommage | to pay a tribute |
rester, demeurer | to remain |
s’avérer | to turn out |
se concentrer sur qqch | to focus on stg |
s’empresser de | to rush to do stg |
stable | steady |
une politique, une mesure | a policy |
une usine | a factory |
un intrus | an odd-one-out |
un noyau | a core |
un ordinateur de bureau | a desktop |
un ordinateur portable | a laptop |
un outil | a tool |
un pilier | a pillar |
un portail | a gate |
un résumé | a summary |
un sondage | a poll |
un vendeur au détail | a retailer |
un vif désir | a compulsion |
conseiller | to advise sb to do stg |
les sous-titres | the subtitles |
avoir hâte de | to look forward to + -ING |
être composé de | to be made up of |
être agenouillé | to kneel (knelt x 2) |
un pantalon | a pair of trousers |
un vol | a theft |
le personnel | the staff |
un atelier | a workshop |
un conservateur de musée | a curator |
un cadre | a frame |
un indice | a clue |
une exposition | an exhibition |
exposer | to display |
remarquer | to notice |
perdu | unaccounted for |
faire attention à qqch | to pay attention to |
rendre visite à | to pay a visit to |
sombre | dark |
vif, éclatant | bright |
un défaut | a drawback |
au lieu de | instead of |
réussir à, parvenir à faire qqch | to manage to do stg |
un coup de pinceau | a brush stroke |
réussir à (s…) | to succeed in doing stg |
une oeuvre d’art | a work of art |
une affaire | a bargain |
deviner | to guess |
un moment | a while |
adroit | deft |
tenir compte de | to allow for |
paresseux | lazy |
grâce à | thanks to |
proche de | close to |
une échelle | a scale |
une chasse au trésor | a treasure hunt |
duper, abuser | to fool |
une veuve | a widow |
authentique | genuine |
à la fin, finalement | eventually |
une arnaque | a scam |
servir une peine de prison | to do the time |
médicolégal | forensic |
un marchand d’art | an art dealer |
tristement célèbre | infamous |
une vente aux enchères | an auction |
reconnu coupable | convicted |
récolter (un profit) | to net |
contrefaire, falsifier | to forge |
inoffensif | innocuous |
un mélange | a blend |
divertir, distraire | to entertain |
intéressé, cupide | money-grubbing |
riche, aisé | wealthy |
une série | a series |
dévoiler, révéler | to expose |
inattendu | unexpected |
gagner de l’argent | to earn money |
une exigence, une contrainte | a requirement |
un moyen (de transport, par exemple) | a means |
un moyen de faire qqch | a way to do stg |
une suggestion, une proposition | a proposal |
prendre qqch en compte | to take stg into account |
confiance (en soi) | confidence |
tenir debout“,”se tenir | to have legs |
épineux, délicat | tricky |
franchir une ligne | to cross a line |
arrogant | overbearing |
réaction, retour | feedback |
une position | a stance |
une personne facile à convaincre, crédule | a pushover |
têtu | stubborn |
amadouer | to schmooze |
cahoteux, accidenté | bumpy |
lisse, sans heurts | smooth |
to tackle | to set about dealing with |
un accord, une approbation | an approval |
papeterie | stationery |
finir par faire qqch | to wind up doing stg |
véhiculer, transmettre | to convey |
rappeler qqch à qn | to remind sb of stg |
convaincre qn de dépenser plus | to upsell |
attendre qqch de qn | to expect sb to do stg |
un modèle | a template |
une affiche | a billboard |
audacieux | bold |
finir par… | to end up doing… |
très long | lengthy |
épais | thick |
couper | to trim |
plier | to fold |
peser | to weigh |
d’après, selon | according to |
lisse, doux | smooth |
rugueux | rough |
réunir | to gather |
le dos d’un livre | the spine |
une échéance | a deadline |
engager, embaucher | to hire |
dépenser | to spend |
par exemple | for instance |
once | une fois que |
célèbre | famous |
rendre, donner | to hand out |
tôt | early |
une réunion | a meeting |
fournir | to provide |
une séance photo | a photo shoot |
la maquette, la disposition | the layout |
une approbation, un accord | an approval |
une publicité, une annonce | an ad |
planifier | to schedule |
un échantillon | a sample |
title | Trouvez dans l’article les mots correspondant aux traductions suivantes: |
a sample | un échantillon |
un récit | a tale |
d’actualité | topical |
finalement | eventually |
être conscient de, savoir | to be aware of |
dépeindre | to depict |
to overstep | outrepasser |
accomplir | to achieve |
grand plaisir, joie | delight |
stupéfait, abasourdi | astounded |
agité, qui ne prend jamais de répit | restless |
un couvre-feu | a curfew |
jusqu’à | until |
atteindre la majorité | to come of age |
presque | almost |
entraîner, mener à | to lead |
permettre, autoriser | to allow sb to do |
permettre, donner les capacités techniques de | to enable sb to |
daily | quotidien |
un rappel | a reminder |
flou | blurred |
santé | health |
rassembler | to gather |
éteindre | to shut down |
un conseil | a tip |
un fossé, un écart | a gap |
permettre à qn de faire qqch | to enable sb to do stg |
une zone tampon | a buffer |
d’avant, ancien | former |
temps libre | downtime |
désirer ardemment | to crave |
environ (après un nombre) | odd |
éviter | to avoid |
pendant | while |
une pause, une interruption | a break |
échanger | to swap |
un confinement | a lockdown |
à distance | remote |
le surmenage | burnout |
le train-train quotidien, les corvées | drudgery |
un créneau | a slot |
une humeur | a mood |
au moins | at least |
rendre un travail | to hand in |
sensibiliser | to raise awareness |
une maladie | a disease |
une campagne de sensibilisation | an awareness campaign |
un brouillon | a draft |
to depict | représenter |
pleurer, déplorer | to mourn |
essayer de | to attempt to |
sauver, préserver | to salvage |
lutter | to struggle |
un huissier | a bailiff |
comme si | as though |
avare | miserly |
un parasite | a hanger-on |
se déclencher | to break out |
sauvage | wild |
une preuve | a proof |
le commerce, un métier | trade |
un péché | a sin |
en dépit de | despite |
emprunter à | to borrow from |
le public | the audience |
une échelle (de grandeur) | a scale |
homologue, équivalent, pair | fellow |
aller chercher, atteindre | to fetch |
engranger, récolter | to bag |
un rejeton, une ramification | an offshoot |
une sérigraphie | a screenprint |
défigurer | to deface |
un bien, un actif, un atout | an asset |
déchiqueter, réduire en lambeaux | to shred |
un dollar (fam.) | a buck |
un gros titre | a headline |
être témoin de qqch | to witness stg |
un point de bascule | a tipping point |
un décor, un arrière-plan | a backdrop |
caracoler | to prance |
contempler, regarder fixement | to glaze at |
être bloqué | to be stuck |
un objet, un jeton, une marque | a token |
la propriété, la possession | ownership |
cupide | greedy |
un actif, un atout | an asset |
une devise, une monnaie | a currency |
un engouement, une mode | a craze |
improbable | unlikely |
une enchère, une offre d’achat | a bid |
suivre la dernière tendance | to jump on the bandwagon |
une escroquerie | a con |
posséder | to own |
au-delà de | beyond |
détruire, faire disparaître | to wipe out |
pourrir, se décomposer | to decay |
une toile | a canvas |
étendre, étirer | to stretch |
l’artisanat, le talent artistique | craft |
une tache | a blotch |
donner la parole | to give the floor |
gronder, passer un savon | to tell off |
une pièce exposée | an exhibit |
contempler, regarder fixement | to gaze at |
valoir la peine de faire qqch | to be worth doing stg |
l’arrière-plan | the background |
flat | plat |
accorder qqch à qqn | to grant sb stg |
assez,plutôt | quite |
un événement | an event |
diffuser, retransmettre | to broadcast* |
une cascade, un coup de pub | a stunt |
révéler | to disclose |
transformer | to turn into |
puisque | since |
ajouter | to add |
derrière | behind |
échanger, commercer | to trade |
un bandit de grand chemin | a highway robber |
les biens, les possessions | the effects |
tandis que | while |
ne pas être conscient de | to be oblivious to |
un moyens de | a means to |
sympathique | congenial |
le premier plan | the foreground |
prévenir de | to warn against |
une corde | a rope |
une bagarre | a brawl |
le goût, le parfum | the flavour |
cuire au four | to bake |
parmi | among(st) |
avaler | to swallow |
embrasser | to snog |
s’évanouir | to faint |
un accessoire | a prop |
une récompense | an award |
précédent | previous |
un couvercle | a lid |
du jour au lendemain | overnight |
3.2 Définitions
Français | English |
a benchmark | a level of quality that can be used as a standard when comparing other things |
a compulsion | a strong feeling that you must do something |
a hodgepodge | a heterogeneous mixture |
a parlour | a room for customers usually of firms providing particular services |
a powerhouse | a country, organization, or person with a lot of influence |
a retailer | someone who sells in small quantities directly to the consumer |
a standard | a level of quality |
a tribute | something that is done to honor somebody |
barely | by the smallest amount,only just |
fare | material provided for use |
pride | a reasonable or justifiable self-respect |
steady | happening in a smooth, gradual, and regular way, not suddenly or unexpectedly |
the odd-man-out | a person or thing that is different from or kept apart from others that form a group or set |
The writing is on the wall | an expression to mean that there are clear signs that something will fail or no longer exist |
to afford | to be able to pay |
to call for | to need or deserve a particular action, remark, or quality |
to give up | to stop trying to do something before you have finished |
to implement | to start using a plan or system |
to improve | to get or make better |
to spell out | to explain something in a very clear way with details |
to turn out | to be known or discovered finally and surprisingly |
to commission | to order to be made |
to spot | to locate or identify |
a clue | a piece of evidence that leads one toward the solution of a problem |
a replica | an exact copy or model of something |
a workshop | a building where products are made |
to be in the hang | shown, exhibited |
a frame | a rigid structure around a picture |
to notice | to become aware of (something or someone) |
unaccounted for | lost or unpaid, without explanation |
barely | by the smallest amount, only just |
to slot | to fit something into a small space |
a flourish | an ornamental stroke of the pen in writing |
a gimmick | something attractive but useless that makes people want to buy something |
droves | large numbers |
a cut | a reduction in the number, amount, or rate of something |
bewildering | confusing and difficult to understand |
to pit against | to cause to be in competition with others |
customary | usual |
to take over | to begin to have control of something |
a car boot sale | an event in a public place where people sell their unwanted possessions, often from the backs of their cars |
to beat to the punch | to do or achieve something before someone else is able to |
beforehand | in anticipation, in advance |
a pain point | a persistent or recurring problem (as with a product or service) that frequently inconveniences or annoys customers |
to poke holes in stg | to find mistakes or problems in a plan or in what someone has said |
a takeaway | a conclusion to be made based on presented facts or information |
to tweak stg | to make usually small adjustments in or to stg |
momentum | strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events |
a journey | an act or instance of traveling from one place to another |
to come easy | to be easy to achieve or accomplish |
to buzz | to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee |
a step | an action, proceeding, or measure often occurring as one in a series |
to walk through | to guide (someone, such as a novice) through an unfamiliar or complex procedure step-by-step |
to pitch | to present or advertise |
stellar | outstanding, exceptional |
to push over the edge | o cause one to commit to doing something they had been considering or close to doing for a long time. |
a buy-in | acceptance of and willingness to actively support and participate in something |
a daydream | a pleasant visionary usually wishful creation of the imagination |
amazeballs | extremely surprising or good: |
the layout | the way that something is arranged |
a head start | an advantage that someone has over other people in something such as a competition or race |
hefty | quite heavy |
a purpose | something set up as an object or end to be attained |
a brand | a public image, reputation, or identity conceived of as something to be marketed or promoted |
main | chief, principal |
to drive | to give shape or impulse to |
stunning | strikingly impressive especially in beauty or excellence |
barely | by the smallest amount |
bewildering | confusing and difficult to understand: |
a mock-up | a full-sized structural model built to scale chiefly for study, testing, or display |
to upsell | to try to convince (a customer) to purchase something additional or at a higher cost |
to flesh out | to provide more information about something, to make something more complete by adding details |
to draw out | to remove, to extract |
to cleanse | to rid of impurities by or as if by washing |
signage | all the signs that advertise a product or company |
closure | an often comforting or satisfying sense of finality |
hip | very fashionable, trendy |
premium | a high value or a value in excess of that normally or usually expected |
to wrap up | to summarize, to bring to a usually successful conclusion |
title | More on colours |
Analogous colours | colours adjacent to one another on the colour wheel (e.g. violet, red and orange). |
Complementary colours | opposites on the colour wheel. This relationship will produce visual tension and “shock.” |
Triadic colours | three colours evenly spaced on the colour wheel. One colours dominates, the second supports, and the third accents. |
Gradient | a gradual change from one colour to another. (For example, blue transitioning gradually to green). |
Opacity | synonymous with non-transparency. The more transparent an image, the lower its opacity. |
image | https://99designs-blog.imgix.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Kern-Lead-Track-full-width.png?auto=format&q=60&fit=max&w=930 |
kerning | the adjustment of space between pairs of letters in the same word. |
kerning | adds or subtracts space between letters to create more visually appealing and readable text. |
leading | also known as line-height, the space between two lines of text. |
tracking | the adjustment of space for groups of letters and entire blocks of text. |
tracking | affects every character in the selected text and is used to change its overall appearance. |
title | Paper properties |
Paper color | Most paper is white. However, there are hundreds of different shades of white. Some whites are very warm, almost yellow. Others are cool, almost blue or gray. |
Paper coating | How smooth the surface of the paper feels. The degree of smoothness is created during the paper-making process. |
Paper weight | Paper is graded according to its weight — which is usually expressed in terms of how much 500 sheets of the paper in its standard size weighs. |
Strength | how well the paper holds up under stress. Paper bags and envelopes need a high degree of strength. |
Thickness | Thick papers don’t have to weigh a lot. Some books are printed on very thick but lightweight paper, which makes the book look like it has more pages. |
Brightness | how light reflects off the paper. Some papers contain fluorescents so they appear brighter. This makes the paper sparkle more, but can affect the color of printed images. |
Opacity | refers to how much the text or images printed on the other side of the page show through. |
title | Office bindings |
Three-ring binding | uses three punched holes in the paper and a three-ring binder. |
Plastic comb binding | uses a plastic insert with teeth that fit into rectangular holes in the paper. |
Spiral binding | uses a metal or plastic spiral that coils through many small holes on the side of the paper. |
Wir-O binding | similar to spiral binding, but instead of a single spiral, two wire teeth fit into rectangular holes in the paper. |
Velo binding | uses two plastic strips on either side of the document. The strips are held together with plastic pins and bound together with heat. |
Fastback binding | uses a cloth or paper strip wrapped around the spine of the pages and then glued in position. |
Saddle-stitch binding | uses two or more staples inserted right at the fold of the paper. |
Side-stitch binding | combines all the signatures and the cover and stitches them together with staples on the outside of the book cover. |
Perfect binding | gathers all the signatures together. The spine is then ground to create a fl at edge, and a paper cover is glued around the spine. |
Lay-flat binding | gathers all the signatures together and grinds the spine as in perfect binding. Th e cover is then glued to the book at each side of the spine, which allows the pages of the book to lay flat when opened. |
featuring | including someone as an important part |
to hoodwink | deceive or trick someone |
tales | imaginative stories |
yarns | narratives of adventures (originally: strands of fibers) |
fabrications | processes of making up for the purpose of deception |
fainted | lost consciousness |
claiming | affirming |
fixed | repaired |
rebooting | starting a computer again |
owning | possessing |
swallowed | took through the mouth into the stomach |
unearthed | dug up out of |
snogged | kissed and held very very closely |
as to whether | about if |
found out | discovered |
hole | empty space in an object |
prop | object used by actors performing in a play or film |
whilst | (here) although |
broadcast | sent out on tv or radio |
awards | prizes |
3.3 Traductions
Français | English |
Avec qui as-tu travaillé hier? | Who did you work with yesterday? |
J’ai travaillé avec une amie | I worked with a friend |
Quelle question de sondage as-tu posée la semaine dernière ? | Which poll question did you ask last week? |
À qui écris-tu un message ? | Who are you writing a message to? |
Que devez-vous écouter pour cette leçon ? | What must you listen to for this lesson? |
Nous devons écouter un enregistrement | We must listen to a recording. |
As-tu déjà entendu parler de la Silicon Valley ? | Have you ever heard of Silicon Valley? |
Le professeur veut que nous écoutions la radio en anglais. | The teacher wants us to listen to the radio in English. |
J’aimerais que mon frère arrête d’utiliser mon ordinateur portable. | I would like my brother to stop using my laptop. |
Je te conseille de regarder les films avec les sous-titres en anglais. | I advise you to watch films with English subtitles. |
Je n’aimerais pas que l’école interdise les nouvelles technologies. | I wouldn’t like the school to ban new technologies. |
L’écriture cursive devrait être enseignée à l’école. | Cursive handwriting should be taught at school. |
Sir Conran conseillait aux détaillants de ne pas vendre de meubles chers. | Sir Conran advised retailers not to sell expensive furniture. |
Bien que dans cette école les ordinateurs soient interdits, les élèves peuvent utiliser leurs téléphones portables. | Although in this school laptops are banned, students are allowed to use their smartphones. |
Les graphistes ont rendu un émouvant hommage à Sir Conran, alors que les concurrents sont restés silencieux. | Graphic designers paid a moving tribute to Sir Conran, whereas competitors remained silent. |
Les professeurs devraient-ils cautionner l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies? | Should teachers endorse the use of new technologies? |
À qui appartient cet ordinateur portable ? À un élève. | Who does this laptop belong to? It’s a student’s. |
Le professeur veut que nous finissions toutes les activités MOODLE | The teacher wants us to finish all the MOODLE activites. |
Il s’avère que je n’ai pas réussi à toutes les faire | It turns out that I didn’t manage to do them all. |
Les visiteurs de musée devraient faire plus attention aux oeuvres qu’ils regardent | Visitors in museums should pay more attention to the works of art they look at. |
Cette image est composée d’une partie supérieure et d’une partie inférieure | This picture is made up of an upper part and a lower part. |
Que penses-tu de l’exposition à Dulwich? | What do you think of the exhibition in Dulwich? |
Lorsqu’on visite un musée, on s’attend à voir de vraies oeuvres d’art | When you visit a museum, you expect to see genuine works of art. |
Les gens devraient passer plus de temps à regarder les toiles | People should spend more time looking at paintings. |
On devrait tenir plus compte de l’éclairage pour exposer les oeuvres. | Lighting should be allowed for more to display works of art. |
Au lieu de foncer dans les musées, les gens devraient regarder moins d’oeuvres. | Instead of rushing through museums, people should look at fewer works of art. |
Notre professeur veut que nous créions le logo de notre cours | Our teacher wants us to create the logo for our course. |
Nous n’avons pas encore fini notre série de projets | We haven’t finished our series of projects yet. |
Nous devons tenir compte des exigences de notre client | We must allow for our client’s requirements. |
As-tu eu le temps hier de regarder mes suggestions ? | Did you have time to take a look at my proposals? |
Aujourd’hui je vais vous présenter notre travail et vous expliquer nos choix graphiques | Today I’m going to present our work and explain our graphic choices to you. |
Mais d’abord permettez-moi de vous rappeler les exigences et les objectifs de ce logo | But first let me remind you what the aims and requirements of this logo are. |
Nous avons choisi de mettre le drapeau britannique en haut à droite pour les raisons suivantes | We chose to put the Union Jack in the top-right corner for the following reasons. |
Nous voulions que le logo véhicule le message dont nous avions parlé en réunion, à savoir… | We wanted the logo to convey the message we talked about during the meeting, namely… |
Vantablack est utilisé par Anish Kapoor depuis 2014. | VB has been used by Kapoor since 2014. |
Depuis mon enfance, j’ai toujours aimé la couleur. | Ever since I was a child, I’ve always loved colours. |
Aujourd’hui nous allons vous raconter l’histoire de Thomas l’Oisif | Today we’re going to tell you the story of John Idle |
On peut clairement voir dans cette diapositive un personnage à l’arrière-plan sortir furtivement de la pièce | In this slide, a character in the background can be clearly seen sneaking out of the room. |
Poursuivons maintenant avec la diapositive suivante. | Let’s move on to the next slide |
Cette jeune femme est-elle amoureuse? N’a-t-elle épousé cet homme que pour son statut social? Le saurons-nous jamais? | Is this young woman in love? Did she marry this man only for his social status? Will we ever know? |
On doit rendre le travail avant les vacances. | The work must be handed in before the holidays. |
On m’a dit qu’on pouvait choisir un article sur n’importe quel sujet. | I was told we could choose an article on anything. |
Ils sont en train d’installer de nouveaux ordinateurs dans nos salles de cours | New computers are being installed in our classrooms. |
Les professeurs devraient davantage être écoutés. | Teachers should be listened to more. |
The authorities display A Rake’s Progress in Sir John Soane’s Museum in London | A Rake’s Progress is displayed in Sir John Soane’s Museum in London. |
Hogarth probably sketched the first drafts in 1734 | The first drafts were probably sketched in 1734. |
The police will end up arresting Tom Rakewell, the main character | Tom Rakewell, the main character, will end up being arrested. |
Somebody is writing a new book on Hogarth | A new book is being written on Hogarth |
Somebody told me Hogarth even contributed to changing British law. | I was told Hogarth even contributed to changing British law. |
People think a lot of artists get their inspiration from Hogarth. | A lot of artists are thought to get their inspiration from Hogarth. |
Est-ce qu’on t’a déjà raconté cette histoire ? | Have you already been told this story? |
On nous donnera les détails demain. | We will be given the details tomorrow. |
Cette question doit être examinée. | This question must be looked into. |
Tu aurais dû me le dire ! | You should have told me! |
On vous expliquera comment faire ce travail demain | You will be explained how to do this work tomorrow. |
Quand nous a-t-on informés de cette décision ? | When were we informed of this decision? |
Je suis désolé, mais personne ne m’a jamais dit que je devais faire ça. | I’m sorry but I have never been told that I had to do this. |
De façon assez surprenante, on m’a accordé une dérogation | Quite surprisingly, I was granted an exemption. |
Nous devrions relire les instructions | We should read the instructions again. |
Quand nous les a-t-on données? | When were we given them? |
Il a dû oublier d’en parler | He must have forgotten to talk about them. |
Il nous l’aurait dit | He would have told us. |
Il faut leur montrer comment faire! | They must be shown how to do it. |
Quand nous donnera-t-on ces informations? | When will we be given this information? |
Il se pourrait bien qu’ils aient oublié de nous en parler | They might have forgotten to talk to us about it. |
Je comprendrais si les explications étaient plus claires. | I would understand if the explanations were clearer. |
3.4 Flashcards
Images | Expressions |
07 signature insertions | |
08 spread dd | |
a billboard | |
a bumpy road | |
a cat scratching himself | |
a complementary palette | |
a core | |
a curator | |
a den | |
a display | |
a drum | |
a folded edge | |
a frame | |
a greyscale palette | |
a grid | |
a hill | |
a leaf | |
a lid | |
a magazine spread | |
a maid | |
a monochromatic palette | |
a narrow street | |
a palate cleanser | |
a parlour | |
a path | |
a pillar | |
a pop up book | |
a pregnant woman | |
a rabbit hole | |
a radial design | |
a range of products | |
a remote island | |
a sales pitch | |
a scale | |
a schedule | |
a seagull | |
a silver lining | |
a slide show | |
a split background | |
a squirrel gathering nuts | |
a symmetrical balance | |
a terracotta cooking pot | |
a three ring binder | |
a triadic palette | |
a victory flag | |
a wax seal | |
a weathered boat | |
a wedding present | |
a windy road | |
a workshop | |
a writing on the wall | |
an ad in the street | |
an analogous palette | |
an asymmetrical balance | |
beneath a cube | |
blank pages | |
bleed and crop marks | |
blurred vision | |
booze | |
cloth | |
compass | |
cool colors | |
cufflinks | |
curly | |
cursive writing | |
David Mitchell | |
decline | |
different ways to commute | |
egg tempera paint | |
fastback binding | |
foot steps | |
girl with a pearl earring | |
gold foil | |
gridlock | |
heart | |
hodgepodge | |
hue | |
injured | |
kindergarten | |
lay flat binding | |
Lee Mack | |
letter A with flourishes | |
lockdown | |
loose trousers | |
marmite | |
mockup designs | |
plastic comb binding | |
prince Charles | |
print writing | |
rough and smooth textures | |
saddle stitch binding | |
sandpaper | |
sans serif | |
scaffolding | |
script | |
serif | |
shade | |
side stitch binding | |
slab serif | |
some tools | |
spiral binding | |
spot the difference | |
summa | |
the brain | |
the rule of thirds | |
the spines of books | |
through | |
tint | |
to bake a cake | |
to crave | |
to display works of art | |
to drag | |
to flip a coin | |
to gamble | |
to hold up a mirror | |
to poke | |
to polish | |
to schlep | |
to scrape something | |
to slot something | |
to weigh | |
tone | |
tools | |
trousers | |
warm colors | |
wayfinding design | |
wirO binding |
3.5 Pronunciation
Images | Expressions |
afford | |
alignment | |
allow | |
almost | |
analogous | |
approval | |
attach | |
auction | |
average | |
barely | |
beneath | |
bewilder | |
bold | |
career | |
choose | |
cleanse | |
closure | |
clue | |
common | |
core | |
crucial | |
curator | |
customary | |
deadline | |
different | |
diminish | |
doubt | |
early | |
emphasis | |
enthusiastic | |
eventually | |
famous | |
fare | |
figure | |
focus | |
forensic | |
forge | |
frame | |
furniture | |
genuine | |
gimmick | |
gradient | |
habit | |
heart | |
hefty | |
height | |
hierarchy | |
history | |
implement | |
improve | |
infamous | |
innocuous | |
isolate | |
item | |
journey | |
laboratory | |
lengthy | |
magazine | |
museum | |
once | |
palate | |
palette | |
perceive | |
pillar | |
polish | |
portrait | |
process | |
product | |
purpose | |
range | |
reason | |
receive | |
replica | |
retailer | |
rough | |
schedule | |
sequence | |
series | |
sheet | |
signature | |
smooth | |
staff | |
stance | |
standard | |
steady | |
study | |
template | |
theft | |
though | |
thought | |
through | |
tool | |
treasure | |
vintage | |
visionary | |
visual | |
widow |