1 Week 2

1.1 Last week’s homework

  • Go online and find the official IPA chart
  • Find the “SUPRASEGMENTALS” section
  • Read the word between ‘primary stress’ and ‘secondary stress’
  • How many syllables and stresses does this word have?
  • In the “Consonants (pulmonic)” chart, in what row and column are /θ/ and /ð/?
  • What about /h/?

To remember:

Two manners of articulation:

  • “plosives”
  • “fricatives”

1.2 Transcription n°1

Write down the following words, and transcribe them into the IPA:

Word Sounds Stress Received Pronunciation General American
faith /1/ /feɪθ/ /feɪθ/
doubt /1/ /daʊt/ /daʊt/
shoot /1/ /ʃuːt/ /ʃuːt/
right /1/ /raɪt/ /raɪt/
age /1/ /eɪdʒ/ /eɪdʒ/
thing /1/ /θɪŋ/ /θɪŋ/
face /1/ /feɪs/ /feɪs/
now /1/ /naʊ/ /naʊ/
wing /1/ /wɪŋ/ /wɪŋ/
shy /1/ /ʃaɪ/ /ʃaɪ/
Word Sounds Stress Received Pronunciation General American
straight /1/ /streɪt/ /streɪt/
crowd /1/ /kraʊd/ /kraʊd/
thick /1/ /θɪk/ /θɪk/
shrine /1/ /ʃraɪn/ /ʃraɪn/
grape /1/ /greɪp/ /greɪp/
child /1/ /tʃaɪəld/ /tʃaɪld/
proud /1/ /praʊd/ /praʊd/
hate /1/ /heɪt/ /heɪt/
spring /1/ /sprɪŋ/ /sprɪŋ/
jive /1/ /dʒaɪv/ /dʒaɪv/

1.3 Transcription n°2

1.4 What we know so far

  • The transcription of ALL consonants
  • The following vowels:
    • /ɪ/
    • /eɪ/
    • /aɪ/
    • /aʊ/

Let’s add:

  • /əʊ/ as in “road” (/rəʊd/) or “go” (/gəʊ/)
  • /iː/ as in “piece” (/piːs/) or “lead” (/liːd/)
  • /e/ as in “bed” (/bed/) or “said” (/sed/)
  • /ɑː/ as in “car” (/kɑː/) or “bath” (/bɑːθ/)

BEWARE!! - /ɑː/ (long vowel) - /a/ is only found in diphthongs /aɪ / and /aʊ/

1.5 Homework

Give the phonetic transcription of the following words:

  • jar
  • cheat
  • hive
  • head
  • swine
  • though
  • theme
  • guard
  • shred
  • mouth