1 Bases de données

1.1 Vocabulaire

Français English
flou blurry
rugueux rough
doux (au toucher) smooth
brouillard fog
brume mist
la partie inférieure the bottom part
la partie supérieure the upper part
aborder (un sujet) to tackle
à haute criminalité crime-ridden
a ridge une crête
atroce, ou criard lurid
attendre de qn que… to expect sb to
au premier plan in the foreground
biaisé, partial biassed
ce qui est produit, ce qui sort the output
chaos mayhem
comestible edible
destinataire, récipiendaire a recipient
diffuser to broadcast
disposer, agencer to lay out
durer to last
échapper à to elude
esquisser to sketch
être condamné to be doomed
être susceptible de to be likely to
évident obvious
exact, précis accurate
faire 1m. de hauteur to be 1m. high
faire 1m. de large to be 1m. wide
faire 1m. de profondeur to be 1m. deep
fournir (p…) to provide sb with
fournir (s…) to supply sb with
il semble que it looks as if
une tache, une zone a patch
incliner to tilt
intenter un procès to sue
interdire to ban
la majorité écrasante the overwhelming majority
la poitrine the chest
la respiration, l’haleine the breath
le confinement the lockdown
le coucher du soleil the sunset
le sein maternel the bosom
menacer to threaten
pendant que while
posséder qqch to own stg
postuler à qqch to apply for stg
promouvoir (a…) to advertise
promouvoir (p…) to promote
provenir de to stem from
résoudre to work out
s’accroupir to crouch
selon, d’après according to
se noyer to drown
(se) terminer to be over
sonder to probe
un but, un objectif (a…) an aim
un but, un objectif (p…) a purpose
un contour an outline
un écart (d…) a discrepancy
un écart (g…) a gap
une épave de bateau a shipwreck
une légende d’image a caption
une mission, une tâche an assignment
une pièce de 10 ¢ a dime
une pièce de 25 ¢ a quarter
une pièce de 5 ¢ a nickel
une tâche de couleur a patch
une tempête a storm
une toile a canvas
une vague a wave
une vue d’ensemble an overview
un hommage a tribute
un indice a clue
un ordinateur de bureau a desktop
un ordinateur portable a laptop
un rédacteur en chef an editor
un sondage a poll
un stage an internship
un traité (livre) a treatise
vendre la mèche to spill the beans
élargir to widen
approfondir to deepen
rehausser to heighten
allonger to lengthen
largeur width
longueur length
profondeur depth
hauteur height
riche, abondant, aisé wealthy
concret hands-on
un devoir a duty
la sagesse wisdom
être excité à l’idée de to be hung up on…
l’état-providence the welfare state
le noyau the core
une revendication a claim
recouper, inclure to cut across
un festin a feast
mêler à to embroil
supporter, accepter to bear
cinglant searing
une hypothèse an assumption
sans fard, simple et clair bald
une tentative an endeavour
lutter to struggle
vaincre to overcome
une limite, une frontière a border
superficiel, peu profond shallow
une énigme a riddle
lugubre (b…) bleak
lugubre (d…) dismal
lugubre (g…) gloomy
une polémique a row (rime avec “now“)
avant prior to
à l’aube de on the eve of
une répétition (théâtrale) a rehearsal
une foule a crowd
un manque a lack
une enquête officielle an enquiry
cassant, fragile brittle
somptueux lavish
un incendie a blaze
tenir compte de qqch (t…) to take stg into account
tenir compte de qqch (a…) to allow for stg
authentique genuine
soulever un problème to raise an issue
une usine a factory
une locomotive à vapeur a steam engine
un chemin, un sentier a path
un produit, un bien de consommation a good
dilapider to squander
éviter to avoid
dentelle lace
clocher steeple
confiance (en soi) confidence
deviner to guess
“tenir debout“, “se tenir“ to have legs
épineux, délicat tricky
franchir une ligne to cross a line
arrogant overbearing
réaction, retour feedback
une position a stance
une personne facile à convaincre, crédule a pushover
têtu stubborn
amadouer to schmooze
cahoteux, accidenté bumpy
lisse, sans heurts smooth
to tackle to set about dealing with
un accord, une approbation an approval
papeterie stationery
finir par faire qqch to wind up doing stg
véhiculer, transmettre to convey
rappeler qqch à qn to remind sb of stg
convaincre qn de dépenser plus to upsell
attendre qqch de qn to expect sb to do stg
un modèle a template
une affiche a billboard
audacieux bold
finir par… to end up doing…
très long lengthy
épais thick
couper to trim
plier to fold
peser to weigh
d’après, selon according to
lisse, doux smooth
réunir to gather
le dos d’un livre the spine
une échéance a deadline
engager, embaucher to hire
dépenser to spend
par exemple for instance
once une fois que
célèbre famous
rendre, donner to hand out
tôt early
une réunion a meeting
fournir to provide
une séance photo a photo shoot
la maquette, la disposition the layout
une approbation, un accord an approval
une publicité, une annonce an ad
planifier to schedule
a sample un échantillon
un récit a tale
d’actualité topical
finalement eventually
être conscient de, savoir to be aware of
dépeindre to depict
to overstep outrepasser
accomplir to achieve
grand plaisir, joie delight
stupéfait, abasourdi astounded
agité, qui ne prend jamais de répit restless
to depict représenter
bien que although
pleurer, déplorer to mourn
essayer de to attempt to
sauver, préserver to salvage
un huissier a bailiff
comme si though
avare miserly
un parasite a hanger-on
se déclencher to break out
sauvage wild
une preuve a proof
le commerce, un métier trade
un péché a sin
en dépit de despite
emprunter à to borrow from
le public the audience
une échelle (de grandeur) a scale
homologue, équivalent, pair fellow
un rappel a reminder
flou blurred
santé health
rassembler to gather
éteindre to shut down
un conseil a tip
au lieu de instead of
un fossé, un écart a gap
permettre à qn de faire qqch to enable sb to do stg
une zone tampon a buffer
d’avant, ancien former
temps libre downtime
désirer ardemment to crave
environ (après un nombre) odd
pendant while
une pause, une interruption a break
échanger to swap
un confinement a lockdown
à distance remote
le surmenage burnout
le train-train quotidien, les corvées drudgery
un créneau a slot
une humeur a mood
au moins at least
aller chercher, atteindre to fetch
engranger, récolter to bag
un rejeton, une ramification an offshoot
une sérigraphie a screenprint
défigurer to deface
un bien, un actif, un atout an asset
déchiqueter, réduire en lambeaux to shred
une vente aux enchères an auction
un dollar (fam.) a buck
un gros titre a headline
être témoin de qqch to witness stg
un point de bascule a tipping point
un décor, un arrière-plan a backdrop
caracoler to prance
contempler, regarder fixement to gaze at
être bloqué to be stuck
un objet, un jeton, une marque a token
la propriété, la possession ownership
cupide greedy
une arnaque a scam
un actif, un atout an asset
une devise, une monnaie a currency
un engouement, une mode a craze
improbable unlikely
une enchère, une offre d’achat a bid
suivre la dernière tendance to jump on the bandwagon
une escroquerie a con
posséder to own
au-delà de beyond
détruire, faire disparaître to wipe out
pourrir, se décomposer to decay
étendre, étirer to stretch
l’artisanat, le talent artistique craft
une tache a blotch
donner la parole to give the floor
gronder, passer un savon to tell off
une pièce exposée an exhibit
un événement an event
diffuser, retransmettre to broadcast*
une cascade, un coup de pub a stunt
révéler to disclose
transformer to turn into
puisque since
ajouter to add
derrière behind
échanger, commercer to trade
un service public a utility
chercher to watch for
une flambée, une poussée a surge
une monnaie, une devise a currency
un actif, un bien, un atout an asset
une enchère an auction
un droit, une prétention a claim
assaillir to beset
une étagère a rack
une cabane a shed
surgir brusquement to spring up
se connecter to hook up
un entrepôt a warehouse
une rangée a row
un logiciel a software
la richesse wealth
un terrain, un domaine a realm
un impact, un dégât a toll
manipuler, forcer to tamper
un registre a ledger
des honoraires, des frais fees
un cadre, un environnement a framework
décoller to take off
détaché unmoored
changer, transférer to shift
verser to pour
une installation a setup
un engouement a craze
peu économique, qui gaspille wasteful
sensibiliser to raise awareness
un bandit de grand chemin a highway robber
les biens, les possessions the effects
tandis que while
ne pas être conscient de to be oblivious to
un moyens de a means to
sympathique congenial
le premier plan the foreground
prévenir de to warn against
une corde a rope
une bagarre a brawl
le goût, le parfum the flavour
cuire au four to bake
cautionner to endorse
parmi among(st)
avaler to swallow
embrasser to snog
s’évanouir to faint
un accessoire a prop
une récompense an award
précédent previous
un couvercle a lid
du jour au lendemain overnight
une échelle a scale
évaluer to rate
14 sur 20 14 out of 20
s’attendre à qqch to expect stg
des résultats mitigés mixed results
l’opinion majoritaire the majority opinion
tranché, clair clear-cut
appartenir à to belong to
la plupart most
un tiers a third
un veau a calf
un mollet a calf
un mémoire étudiant a research paper
une entreprise a company
une infime majorité a tiny majority
jusqu’à maintenant so far
aller à l’étranger to go abroad
être indécis to sit on a fence
un but (p…) a purpose
un résumé a summary
se concentrer sur to focus on
viser à, avoir pour but de to aim to
dès le départ right off the bat
dans quelle mesure to what extent
mettre à nu to lay bare
les résultats the findings
un moyen de a means to
un résultat (o…) an outcome
une tendance a trend
aborder un problème to address an issue
exécution, mise en œuvre implementation
un échantillon a sample
accomplir, réaliser to carry out
inattendu unexpected
attirer to pull in
déclarer to state
un plan de mesures a scheme
faire l’éloge de to praise
se moquer de to poke fun at
inclure to comprise
en apparence seemingly
accueillir, héberger to host
se mettre en route, chercher à to set out
une recette a recipe
à l’intérieur de within
attacher, fermer to fasten
un vendeur au détail a retailer
pouvoir s’acheter qqch to afford something
abandonner to give up
améliorer, faire des progrès to improve
rendre un hommage to pay a tribute
un vif désir a compulsion
fierté, orgueil pride
du mobilier, des meubles furniture
rester, demeurer to remain
s’enrôler to enlist
fort probable likely
le ravitaillement the supply
déménager to move
demeurer to remain
décerner to award
champ, portée, marge de manœuvre scope
bien aimer qqch to be fond of stg
agencement, disposition, maquette a layout
un scrupule a qualm
qui s’ensuit, final eventual
un équipage a crew
probable, susceptible likely
s’excuser de qqch to apologize
agile nimble
avertir to warn
diriger qqch to head stg
rendement, productivité output
manipuler qqch to handle stg
confier qqch à qn to entrust sb with stg
une esquisse a sketch
une forme a shape
continuer, poursuivre to carry on
vivant, plein d’entrain lively
reconnaître, admettre to acknowledge
transformer en to turn into
une tendance a tendency
vérifier to check
un élément an item
un tableur a spreadsheet
relire to proofread
faire passer un message to get a message across
jouer avec, fignoler to fiddle
s’assurer to ensure
évaluer to gauge
exiger to require
bénéficier de to benefit from
une tâche an assignment
imminent upcoming
mener à to lead to
avoir les compétences pour to be skilled at
empêcher de to prevent from
un emploi du temps a schedule
morceler to break down
en avance ahead of time
pertinent relevant
à long terme long-range
traiter to deal with
planifier to plan
gérer to manage
la charge de travail the workload
terminer to complete
manipuler to handle
to walk around slowly in a relaxed way to wander
a way, a manner a fashion
to push something or someone gently to nudge
to push someone or something forcefully to shove
a set of similar things a range
to stay in the same place or in the same condition to remain
to have the same effect as something to amount to
making you remember something in particular reminiscent
the ordinary people in a society or an organization grassroots
to be in charge of selecting objects in a museum to curate
the fact that something is not available or that there is not enough of it a lack
too much of something overload
physical harm or damage to someone’s body caused by an accident or an attack an injury
having a lot of problems or difficulties beleaguered
a place where something develops easily, especially something unpleasant (2 words) a breeding ground
un comportement a behaviour
gérer to handle
partager to share
une tâche a task
conclure to wrap up
finir par to end up + ING
fusionner to merge
faire un point to set up a check-in
répondre aux besoins to meet the needs
évaluer to assess
améliorer to improve
s’inquiéter de to worry about
un outil a tool
autoriser to allow
une étape a stage
un équilibre a balance
un montant an amount
parfois sometimes
rattraper to catch up
s’estomper to fade
intimidant daunting
compter sur to rely on
le contexte the background
tout en… while + ING
court brief
un aperçu an overview
actuel current
tel que such as
aborder to touch on
postuler à to apply for
briser la glace to break the ice
viser à to aim at
légèrement slightly
se vanter de to brag about
recruter to hire
obtenir un aperçu to get insight into
afin de in order to
être bien adapté à to be a good fit for
être pour to be in favour of
peser le pour et le contre to weigh the pros and cons
participer to take part in
une marque a brand
un libraire a bookseller
prendre de la vitesse to gather pace
compromettre to undermine
prouver to prove
une amélioration an upgrade
un érudit a polymath
une boîte de conserve a tin
une déchetterie a junkyard
Voyons les choses ainsi Put it this way
des sous-vêtements underwear
parmi among
actuellement currently
être inclus to feature
consacré à devoted to
en-dessous de beneath
hypnotique mesmerising
être accroc à to be hooked on
réunir, assembler to gather
de la mousse moss
un fil (conducteur) a thread
la honte the shame
les gros titres the headlines
se dénouer to unravel
un noyau a core
accessible financièrement affordable
numérique digital
une fournée a batch
une gamme de produits a range
un foyer a household
aisé wealthy
principal main
une moyenne an average

1.2 Définitions

Expression Definition
a career a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling
a commune a group of families or single people who live and work together sharing possessions and responsibilities
an output something produced
a skill a learned power of doing something competently
a treatise a formal piece of writing that considers and examines a particular subject
lurid causing horror or revulsion
to be doomed to be condemned, to be certain to experience something terrible
to figure out to discover
wit astuteness of perception or apt humour
a one-off limited to a single time, occasion, or instance
to epitomise to embody
to commission to appoint or assign to a task or function
a hook something intended to attract and ensnare
to repurpose to give a new use to
a tendril a stem modified into a slender organ serving to attach a climbing plant to its support
tuition fees the price of or payment for instruction
to plaster to affix to or place on especially conspicuously or in quantity
to dispel to cause to disappear
to elude to escape the perception, understanding, or grasp of
a recipient one that receives
an aim a clearly directed intent or purpose
a purpose something set up as an object or end to be attained
to stem from to be caused by, to come from
an overview a general survey, a summary
an assignment a specified task or amount of work given by authority
to work out to solve (something, such as a problem) by a process of reasoning or calculation
to sketch to make a rough draft, or outline of
accurate free from error especially as the result of care
to sue to seek justice or right from (a person) by legal process
to drop to cease to be of concern
to sell like hot cakes to sell at a rapid rate
to crouch to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs
edible something that is suitable or safe to eat
to threaten to express an intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage
according to in conformity with, as stated by
to come through to be expressed or communicated
a clue a piece of evidence that leads one toward the solution of a problem
prominence something widely and popularly known
a backdrop a painted cloth hung across the rear of a stage
to rail to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language
wealthy very affluent, characterized by abundance
a parable a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle
a duty obligatory tasks, conduct, service, or functions that arise from one’s position
wisdom accumulated philosophical or scientific learning
to be hung up (on stg) having great or excessive interest in or preoccupation with someone or something
a claim a demand for something due or believed to be due
to cut across to include within the scope of effect or significance
to embroil to involve in conflict or difficulties
pervasive existing in or spreading through every part of something
squalor a state of being marked by filthiness and degradation from neglect or poverty
bald basic and with no unnecessary words or detail
to endeavour to attempt
to outlaw to make illegal
hideous offensive to the senses and especially to sight
to rail against sb to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language
a row a noisy argument or fight
a slum a very poor and crowded area, especially of a city
to imbue to fill something or someone with a quality or feeling
an outbreak a sudden beginning
a foreman the supervisor or leader of a group
skewed not accurate or exact
scrutiny careful, detailed examination or inspection
to account for something to explain or to be the reason for
refurbishment the process of improving a building or store by cleaning and decorating it, adding new furniture, equipment, etc.
to pillory to severely criticize someone, especially in a public way
to urge sb to do stg
buttoned-up coldly reserved or standoffish
to overshadow to cause someone or something to seem less important or noticeable
an outlook a view from a particular place, a prospect in the future
to taint to spoil something or give it an unpleasant quality
to plague to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time
to claim to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it
to shelter to protect yourself, or another person or thing, from bad weather, danger, or attack
to pour to make a substance flow from a container
a dweller a person who lives in a city, town, cave, etc.
a row a line of things, people, animals, etc. arranged next to each other
to unsettle to make someone feel anxious or slightly worried
handicraft a skilled activity in which something is made in a traditional way with the hands rather than being produced by machines in a factory
a seat a place that acts as a base or centre for an important activity
falsehood a lie or a statement that is not correct
a bed the bottom of something, or something that serves as a base
to squander to waste money or supplies, or to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage
tracery architectural ornamental work with branching lines
filigree delicate jewellery made from twisted wire
lacework objects or patterns consisting of or resembling lace
picturesque attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way
to beat to the punch to do or achieve something before someone else is able to
beforehand in anticipation, in advance
a pain point a persistent or recurring problem (as with a product or service) that frequently inconveniences or annoys customers
to poke holes in stg to find mistakes or problems in a plan or in what someone has said
a takeaway a conclusion to be made based on presented facts or information
to tweak stg to make usually small adjustments in or to stg
momentum strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events
a journey an act or instance of traveling from one place to another
to come easy to be easy to achieve or accomplish
to buzz to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee
a step an action, proceeding, or measure often occurring as one in a series
to walk through to guide (someone, such as a novice) through an unfamiliar or complex procedure step-by-step
to pitch to present or advertise
stellar outstanding, exceptional
to push over the edge o cause one to commit to doing something they had been considering or close to doing for a long time.
a buy-in acceptance of and willingness to actively support and participate in something
a daydream a pleasant visionary usually wishful creation of the imagination
amazeballs extremely surprising or good:
the layout the way that something is arranged
a head start an advantage that someone has over other people in something such as a competition or race
hefty quite heavy
a brand a public image, reputation, or identity conceived of as something to be marketed or promoted
main chief, principal
to drive to give shape or impulse to
stunning strikingly impressive especially in beauty or excellence
a mock-up a full-sized structural model built to scale chiefly for study, testing, or display
to upsell to try to convince (a customer) to purchase something additional or at a higher cost
to flesh out to provide more information about something, to make something more complete by adding details
to draw out to remove, to extract
to cleanse to rid of impurities by or as if by washing
signage all the signs that advertise a product or company
closure an often comforting or satisfying sense of finality
hip very fashionable, trendy
premium a high value or a value in excess of that normally or usually expected
to wrap up to summarize, to bring to a usually successful conclusion
Analogous colours colours adjacent to one another on the colour wheel (e.g. violet, red and orange).
Complementary colours opposites on the colour wheel. This relationship will produce visual tension and “shock.”
Triadic colours three colours evenly spaced on the colour wheel. One colours dominates, the second supports, and the third accents.
Gradient a gradual change from one colour to another. (For example, blue transitioning gradually to green).
Opacity synonymous with non-transparency. The more transparent an image, the lower its opacity.
kerning the adjustment of space between pairs of letters in the same word.
kerning adds or subtracts space between letters to create more visually appealing and readable text.
leading also known as line-height, the space between two lines of text.
tracking the adjustment of space for groups of letters and entire blocks of text.
tracking affects every character in the selected text and is used to change its overall appearance.
Paper color Most paper is white. However, there are hundreds of different shades of white. Some whites are very warm, almost yellow. Others are cool, almost blue or gray.
Paper coating How smooth the surface of the paper feels. The degree of smoothness is created during the paper-making process.
Paper weight Paper is graded according to its weight — which is usually expressed in terms of how much 500 sheets of the paper in its standard size weighs.
Strength how well the paper holds up under stress. Paper bags and envelopes need a high degree of strength.
Thickness Thick papers don’t have to weigh a lot. Some books are printed on very thick but lightweight paper, which makes the book look like it has more pages.
Brightness how light reflects off the paper. Some papers contain fluorescents so they appear brighter. This makes the paper sparkle more, but can affect the color of printed images.
Opacity refers to how much the text or images printed on the other side of the page show through.
Three-ring binding uses three punched holes in the paper and a three-ring binder.
Plastic comb binding uses a plastic insert with teeth that fit into rectangular holes in the paper.
Spiral binding uses a metal or plastic spiral that coils through many small holes on the side of the paper.
Wir-O binding similar to spiral binding, but instead of a single spiral, two wire teeth fit into rectangular holes in the paper.
Velo binding uses two plastic strips on either side of the document. The strips are held together with plastic pins and bound together with heat.
Fastback binding uses a cloth or paper strip wrapped around the spine of the pages and then glued in position.
Saddle-stitch binding uses two or more staples inserted right at the fold of the paper.
Side-stitch binding combines all the signatures and the cover and stitches them together with staples on the outside of the book cover.
Perfect binding gathers all the signatures together. The spine is then ground to create a fl at edge, and a paper cover is glued around the spine.
Lay-flat binding gathers all the signatures together and grinds the spine as in perfect binding. Th e cover is then glued to the book at each side of the spine, which allows the pages of the book to lay flat when opened.
a scheme an officially organized plan or system
to poke fun at sb to make someone seem stupid by making jokes about them or laughing unkindly
to praise to express admiration or approval of the achievements or characteristics of a person or thing
to comprise stg to have things or people as parts or members, to consist of stg
to set out to start an activity with a particular aim
seemingly appearing to be something, especially when this is not true
fat the substance under the skin of humans and animals that stores energy and keeps them warm
within inside or not further than an area or period of time
to host to provide the space and other things necessary for a special event
to fasten to (cause something to) become firmly fixed together, or in position, or closed
a hodgepodge a heterogeneous mixture
a retailer someone who sells in small quantities directly to the consumer
pride a reasonable or justifiable self-respect
to afford to be able to pay
to give up to stop trying to do something before you have finished
a parlour a room for customers usually of firms providing particular services
a compulsion a strong feeling that you must do something
to improve to get or make better
a tribute something that is done to honor somebody
a powerhouse a country, organization, or person with a lot of influence
an obituary a notice of a person’s death usually with a short biographical account
a craft an occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill
a monotype an impression on paper of a design painted usually with the finger or a brush on a surface (such as glass)
scholarly containing a serious detailed study of a subject
endpaper a once-folded sheet of paper having one leaf pasted flat against the inside of the front or back cover of a book and the other pasted at the base to the first or last page
cautionary giving a warning
to commission stg to request sb to create a piece of art
a typescript a typed copy of a piece of writing such as a book
to work out to happen or develop in a particular way

1.3 Traductions

Français English
Sur quoi Milton Glaser a-t-il dessiné le logo ? What did he draw the logo on?
Il l’a dessiné sur une enveloppe. He drew it on an envelope.
L’enveloppe sur laquelle il a dessiné le logo est exposée au MoMA. The envelope he drew the logo on is exhibited / displayed in MoMA.
L’homme qui a créé le logo est mort en juillet. The man who designed the logo died in July.
Pour comprendre le logo, il faut résoudre une petite énigme. You need to crack / solve a little riddle to understand the logo.
Si Milton Glaser n’avait pas inventé le logo de New-York, il ne serait pas mondialement connu. If Milton Glaser hadn’t designed the NYC logo, he would not be world-wide famous.
Le monde serait-il meilleur si les publicités ne mentaient pas ? Would the world be a better place if adverts didn’t lie?
Milton Glaser conseille aux jeunes artistes de beaucoup travailler. Milton Glaser advises young artists to work a lot.
Il aurait pu être un peu plus optimiste. He could have been a bit more optimistic.
Il se peut qu’il ait été pessimiste… He may have been pessimistic.
Mais j’aurais quand même dû l’écouter ! Still, I should have listened to him!
Il est temps que tu ailles au lit. It is time you went to bed.
Je préfèrerais que tu lui parles tout de suite. I’d rather you talked to him right now.
Je regrette que tu ne lui aies pas parlé plus tôt. I wish you had spoken to him earlier.
La toile fait 1,22m. de large. The canvas is 1.22m wide.
Elle est exposée au musée des Beaux Arts de Boston. It is displayed in the museum of Fine Arts in Boston
Il se peut qu’elle ait été peinte au XIXè siècle. It may have been painted in the 19th century.
Je regrette de ne pas avoir vu ce tableau I wish I had seen this painting.
Le cours de la semaine dernière a duré 3 heures, ce qui était beaucoup trop long. Last week’s lesson lasted 3 hours, which was way too long.
Ce que j’ai trouvé un peu exagéré, ce sont les poissons et les mouettes au premier plan. What I found a bit exaggerated were the seagulls and fish in the foreground.
Ce tableau, que Ruskin a si bien décrit, est en fait très politique. This painting, which Ruskin described so well, is actually very political.
Si Ruskin n’avait pas écrit sur Turner, celui-ci ne serait pas célèbre aujourd’hui Turner wouldn’t be famous today had Ruskin not written about him,
Pugin a peut-être poussé Ruskin à écrire Pugin may have led Ruskin to take to writing.
On peut dire de lui qu’il a été un véritable visionnaire He can be said to have been a true visionary.
On devrait tenir compte de la pensée victorienne dans nos opinions Victorian thought should be allowed for in our opinions.
Peu de gens connaissent Pugin, à la différence de Turner dont les oeuvres sont mondialement connues Few people know Pugin, unlike Turner, whose works are famous world-wide.
Pourtant il a conçu l’un des bâtiments anglais les plus connus. He designed one of the most famous English landmarks, though.
L’image du haut est plus détaillée que celle du bas The top picture features more details than the bottom one.
Les maisons georgiennes semblent lugubres tandis qu’on a envie de rentrer dans cette auberge néo-gothique Georgian houses look bleak whereas you really want to step inside this neo-Gothic inn.
The crowd began to trickle back home. La foule se mit à rentrer au compte-gouttes
They were rubbing their eyes, which even in the gloom could be seen to be red-rimmed Ils se frottaient les yeux, dont on pouvait discerner les bords rougis dans l’obscurité
La foule au premier plan est à peine visible The crowd in the foreground can hardly be seen.
Cette huile-sur-toile est exposée au musée de Philadelphie This oil-on-canvas is displayed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Turner a passé des heures à retravailler le tableau avant de le montrer. Turner spent hours reworking the painting before exhibiting it.
On pensait que ces esquisses montraient l’incendie du Parlement.
Avec qui travailles-tu sur le logo du cours ? Who are you working on the logo with?
On dit de nos nouveaux clients qu’ils n’aiment pas gaspiller de l’argent Our new customers are said not to like squandering money.
J’ai vraiment hâte de présenter notre projet I’m really hung up on pitching our project.
Je regrette de ne pas avoir tenu compte des problèmes soulevés par le client I wish I had taken into account the issues raised by the customer.
Vantablack est utilisé par Anish Kapoor depuis 2014. VB has been used by Kapoor since 2014.
Depuis mon enfance, j’ai toujours aimé la couleur. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always loved colours.
La forme importe plus que la couleur Shape matters more than colour
Voilà trois mois que je réfléchis à ce projet. I’ve been thinking about this project for three months.
Les résultats fournissent aux concepteurs graphiques des conseils supplémentaires. The findings provide designers with additional advice.
L’étude cherche à déterminer dans quelle mesure les pratiques actuelles sont durables et écologiques. The survey investigates how green and sustainable the current procedures are.
Les professionnels que nous avons interrogés disent tous que leurs clients attachent beaucoup d’importance au développement durable. The professionals we have interviewed all say their customers value sustainability.
Le problème que cet article aborde m’intéresse vivement I’m highly interested in the issue this article addresses.
Si j’avais su, j’aurais pris le temps de développer mes compétences artistiques If I had known, I would have taken the time to hone my artistic skills.
De nombreux graphistes se sont engagés à promouvoir le développement durable Many graphic designers are committed to promoting sustainability.
Sur quoi travailles-tu en ce moment? What are you working on these days?
Je finis un projet sur lequel je travaille depuis deux mois. I am finishing a project I have been working on for two months.
Quelles sont tes échéances ? What are your deadlines?
Je dois finir d’ici la fin de la semaine. I must finish by the end of the week.
J’ai déjà contacté plus de dix entreprises depuis septembre. I’ve alreay contacted more than 10 companies since September.
J’ai contacté plus de dix entreprises en septembre. I contacted more than 10 companies in September.
J’aimerais attirer votre attention sur la raffinement des illustrations. I would like to draw your attention to the exquisiteness of the illustrations.
La mise en page vise à mettre le texte en valeur. The layout aims at enhance the text.
Même le dos du livre présente des qualités esthétiques dignes d’être mentionnées. Even the spine of the book features aesthetic qualities that are worth mentioning.
J’ai choisi cet article parce que la même chose m’est arrivée. I chose this article because the same thing (has) happened to me.
Voilà une aventure dont j’aurais bien fait l’expérience. This is an adventure I would have loved to experience.
Si mon projet se concrétise, j’irai travailler à l’étranger. If my project goes ahead, I’ll go and work abroad.
Share an example of a time you had to gather information from multiple sources. How did you determine which information was relevant?
Tell me about an experience in which you analyzed information and evaluated results to choose the best solution to a problem.
Share an experience when you applied new technology or information in your job. How did it help your company?
What are some long-range objectives that you developed in your last job? What did you do to achieve them?
Tell me how you organize, plan, and prioritize your work.
Share an experience you had in dealing with a difficult person and how you handled the situation.
In your experience, what is the key to developing a good team?
What made you want to study industrial arts?
How do you manage your workload for the day?
What was the most difficult project you completed during your studies?
Il faut nous dépêcher, nous devons respecter l’échéance ! We must hurry up, we must meet the deadline!
As-tu rappelé l’entreprise hier ? Did you call the company yesterday?
Je ne peux pas te répondre maintenant, cela dépend de mon emploi du temps. I can’t answer now, it depends on my schedule.
Soyez du côté du recruteur. Get on the same side as the interviewer.
Mettez-vous à la place du recruteur et demandez-vous ce qu’ils ne veulent pas pour vous embaucher. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself why they might not want to hire you.
J’ai hâte de passer cet entretien avec vous. I have been looking forward to this meeting.
La perspective de pouvoir contribuer m’enthousiasme. I’m really excited by the prospect of being able to contribute.“
Je suis très investie dans ma carrière. I’m very committed to my career.
Je ne me vois pas l’abandonner, honnêtement. I frankly can’t imagine giving it up.
Pourriez-vous me laisser vos coordonnées afin que je vous rappelle ? Could you leave me your contact details so that I can call you back?
Je me demandais si vous aviez bien reçu mon dossier de candidature. I was wondering whether you had received my application.
Si l’entreprise rappelle pendant que je suis en réunion, cela vous dérangerait-il de prendre leur message ? Should the company call while I’m in a meeting, would you mind taking their message for me?
Voici le problème dont nous allons traiter aujourd’hui. Here is the issue we’re going to deal with today.
Dans un premier temps, nous allons défendre le point de vue suivant. First, we’re going to advocate the following opinion.
D’un autre côté, on peut se demander si cette solution est viable sur le long terme. On the other hand, we can wonder if this solution is sustainable in the long run.
Je dois finir d’ici la fin de la semaine. I must finish by the end of the week.
J’ai déjà contacté plus de dix entreprises depuis septembre. I’ve alreay contacted more than 10 companies since September.
J’ai contacté plus de dix entreprises en septembre. I contacted more than 10 companies in September.
J’aimerais attirer votre attention sur la raffinement des illustrations. I would like to draw your attention to the exquisiteness of the illustrations.
Même le dos du livre présente des qualités esthétiques dignes d’être mentionnées. Even the spine of the book features aesthetic qualities that are worth mentioning.
Il faut nous dépêcher, nous devons respecter l’échéance ! We must hurry up, we must meet the deadline!
As-tu rappelé l’entreprise hier ? Did you call the company yesterday?
Je ne peux pas te répondre maintenant, cela dépend de mon emploi du temps. I can’t answer now, it depends on my schedule.
Franchement, j’aurais bien aimé faire ce cours à distance. Honestly, I would have liked this lesson to be online.
Nous avons bien essayé de la reporter… We did try to move it to another time.
J’attends de mes employeurs qu’ils m’offrent la chance de travailler en distanciel. I expect my employers to give me the option to work from home.
Le cours de la semaine dernière a duré 3 heures, ce qui était beaucoup trop long. Last week’s lesson lasted 3 hours, which was way too long.
Si mon projet se concrétise, j’irai travailler à l’étranger. If my project goes ahead, I’ll go and work abroad.
On peut dire de lui qu’il a été un véritable visionnaire He can be said to have been a true visionary.
J’ai choisi cet article parce que la même chose m’est arrivée. I chose this article because the same thing (has) happened to me.
Voilà une aventure dont j’aurais bien fait l’expérience. This is an adventure I would have loved to experience.
Si l’entreprise rappelle pendant que je suis en réunion, cela vous dérangerait-il de prendre leur message ? Should the company call while I’m in a meeting, would you mind taking their message for me?
Le problème que cet article aborde m’intéresse vivement I’m highly interested in the issue this article addresses.
Si j’avais su, j’aurais pris le temps de développer mes compétences artistiques If I had known, I would have taken the time to hone my artistic skills.
Pourriez-vous passer à la diapositive suivante, s’il vous plaît ? Could you move on to the next slide please?
D’après ce journal, les phénomènes ont augmenté de 25% According to this newspaper, the phenomena have increased by 25%.
Faut-il remettre en cause une telle hypothèse ? Must such an assumption be called into question?

1.4 Prononciation

Word Stress Pattern IPA (RP) Received Pronunciation General American
about /01/ /ə.’baʊt/ /ə.’baʊt/
accurate /100/ /’æk.jər.ət/ /’æk.jər.ət/
although /01/ /ɔːl.’ðəʊ/ /ˌɔːl.’ðoʊ/
bosom /10/ /’bʊz.əm/ /’bʊz.əm/
breath /1/ /breθ/ /breθ/
budgetary /1000/ /’bʌdʒ.ɪt.ər.i/ /’bʌdʒ.ɪt.ˌer.i/
canvas /10/ /’kæn.vəs/ /’kæn.vəs/
commune /01/ /kə.’mjuːn/ /’kɑː.mjuːn/
contribute /010/ /kən.’trɪb.juːt/ /kən.’trɪb.juːt/
country /10/ /’kʌntr.i/ /’kʌntr.i/
crouch /1/ /kraʊtʃ/ /kraʊtʃ/
domain /01/ /dəʊ.’meɪn/ /dəʊ.’meɪn/
drown /1/ /draʊn/ /draʊn/
elude /01/ /ɪ.’luːd/ /ɪ.’luːd/
event /01/ /ɪ.’vent/ /ɪ.’vent/
eventually /01000/ /ɪ.’ventʃ.u.əl.i/ /ɪ.’ventʃ.u.əl.i/
figure /10/ /’fɪg.ə/ /’fɪg.ər/
fundamental /2010/ /ˌfʌnd.ə.’ment.əl/ /ˌfʌnd.ə.’ment.əl/
furniture /100/ /’fɜːn.ɪtʃ.ə/ /’f3r ːn.ɪtʃ.ər/
general /100/ /’dʒen.ər.əl/ /’dʒen.ər.əl/
generic /010/ /dʒə.’ner.ɪk/ /dʒə.’ner.ɪk/
hierarchy /100/ /’haɪər.ɑːk.i/ hierarchy
identity /0100/ /aɪ.’dent.ət.i/ /aɪ.’dent.ət.i/
lurid /10/ /’ljʊər.ɪd/ /’ljʊr.ɪd/
manufacture /2010/ /ˌmæn.ju.’fæk.tʃə/ /ˌmæn.ju.’fæk.tʃər/
mayor /1/ /meə/ mayor
measure /10/ /’meʒ.ə/ /’meʒ.ər/
metaphor /100/ /’met.əf.ə/ /’met.əf.ər/
natural /100/ /’nætʃ.ər.əl/ /’nætʃ.ər.əl/
nuance /10/ /’njuː.ɑːns/ /’njuː.ɑːns/
professional /0100/ /prə.’feʃ.ən.əl/ /prə.’feʃ.ən.əl/
purpose /10/ /’pɜːp.əs/ /’p3r ːp.əs/
rhythm /10/ /’rɪð.əm/ /’rɪð.əm/
rough /1/ /rʌf/ /rʌf/
table /10/ /’teɪb.əl/ /’teɪb.əl/
theme /1/ /θiːm/ /θiːm/
thought /1/ /θɔːt/ /θɔːt/
through /1/ /θruː/ /θruː/
treatise /10/ /’triːt.ɪz/ /’triːt.ɪz/
virtue /10/ /’vɜːtʃ.uː/ /’v3r ːtʃ.uː/
sheet /1/ /ʃiːt/ /ʃiːt/
parable /100/ /’pær.əb.əl/ /’per.əb.əl/
carnage /10/ /’kɑːn.ɪdʒ/ /’kɑːn.ɪdʒ/
widen /10/ /’waɪd.ən/ /’waɪd.ən/
pervasive /010/ /pə.’veɪs.ɪv/ /pə.’veɪs.ɪv/
cruel /10/ /’kruː.əl/ /’kruː.əl/
sear /1/ /sɪə/ /sɪr/
criticism /1020/ /’krɪt.ɪ.ˌsɪz.əm/ /’krɪt.ɪ.ˌsɪz.əm/
aesthetic /010/ /iːs.’θet.ɪk/ /iːs.’θet.ɪk/
parallel /100/ /’pær.ə.lel/ /’per.ə.ˌlel/
bald /1/ /bɔːld/ /bɔːld/
thick /1/ /θɪk/ /θɪk/
typical /100/ /’tɪp.ɪk.əl/ /’tɪp.ɪk.əl/
endeavor /010/ /ɪn.’dev.ə/ /ɪn.’dev.ər/
hideous /100/ /’hɪd.i.əs/ /’hɪd.i.əs/
border /10/ /’bɔːd.ə/ /’bɔːd.ər/
outlaw /10/ /’aʊt.lɔː/ /’aʊt.ˌlɔː/
slavery /100/ /’sleɪv.ər.i/ /’sleɪv.ər.i/
colony /100/ /’kɒl.ən.i/ /’kɑːl.ən.i/
kernel /10/ /’kɜːn.əl/ /’k3r ːn.əl/
nature /10/ /’neɪtʃ.ə/ /’neɪtʃ.ər/
rehearsal /010/ /ri.’hɜːs.əl/ /ri.’h3r ːs.əl/
echo /10/ /’ek.əʊ/ /’ek.əʊ/
warehouse /10/ /’weə.haʊs/ /’we.ˌhaʊs/
proposal /010/ /prə.’pəʊz.əl/ /prə.’poʊz.əl/
skew /1/ /skjuː/ /skjuː/
scrutiny /100/ /’skruːt.ɪn.i/ /’skruːt.ɪn.i/
lavish /10/ /’læv.ɪʃ/ /’læv.ɪʃ/
enquiry /0100/ /ɪn.’kwaɪ.ər.i/ enquiry
crowd /1/ /kraʊd/ /kraʊd/
opinion /010/ /ə.’pɪn.jən/ /ə.’pɪn.jən/
critic /10/ /’krɪt.ɪk/ /’krɪt.ɪk/
marriage /10/ /’mær.ɪdʒ/ /’mer.ɪdʒ/
volume /10/ /’vɒl.juːm/ /’vɑːl.juːm/
history /10/ /’hɪs.tri/ history
appreciative /01000/ /ə.’priːʃ.i.ət.ɪv/ /ə.’priːʃ.i.ˌeɪt.ɪv/
plague /1/ /pleɪg/ /pleɪg/
shelter /10/ /’ʃelt.ə/ /’ʃelt.ər/
pour /1/ /pɔː/ /pɔːr/
parliament /100/ /’pɑːl.ə.mənt/ /’pɑːl.ə.mənt/
structure /10/ /’strʌk.tʃə/ /’strʌk.tʃər/
medieval /2010/ /ˌmed.i.’iːv.əl/ medieval
reason /10/ /’riːz.ən/ /’riːz.ən/
era /10/ /’ɪər.ə/ /’er.ə/
factory /10/ /’fæk.tri/ factory
architecture /1000/ /’ɑːk.ɪ.tek.tʃə/ /’ɑːk.ɪ.ˌtek.tʃər/
cheap /1/ /tʃiːp/ /tʃiːp/
falsehood /10/ /’fɔːls.hʊd/ /’fæls.ˌhʊd/
fantasy /100/ /’fænt.əs.i/ /’fænt.əs.i/
hefty /10/ /’heft.i/ /’heft.i/
frame /1/ /freɪm/ /freɪm/
enthusiastic /02010/ /ɪn.ˌθjuːz.i.’æst.ɪk/ /ɪn.ˌθjuːz.i.’æst.ɪk/
perceive /01/ /pə.’siːv/ /pə.’siːv/
stance /1/ /stæns/ /stæns/
polish /10/ /’pɒl.ɪʃ/ /’pɑːl.ɪʃ/
item /10/ /’aɪt.əm/ /’aɪt.əm/
journey /10/ /’dʒɜːn.i/ /’dʒ3r ːn.i/
common /10/ /’kɒm.ən/ /’kɑːm.ən/
process /10/ /’prəʊs.es/ /’prɑːs.ˌes/
allow /01/ /ə.’laʊ/ /ə.’laʊ/
choose /1/ /tʃuːz/ /tʃuːz/
average /100/ /’æv.ər.ɪdʒ/ /’æv.ər.ɪdʒ/
study /10/ /’stʌd.i/ /’stʌd.i/
attach /01/ /ə.’tætʃ/ /ə.’tætʃ/
sequence /10/ /’siːk.wəns/ /’siːk.wəns/
template /10/ /’tem.pleɪt/ /’tem.pleɪt/
isolate /100/ /’aɪs.ə.leɪt/ /’aɪs.ə.ˌleɪt/
approval /010/ /ə.’pruːv.əl/ /ə.’pruːv.əl/
palate /10/ /’pæl.ət/ /’pæl.ət/
cleanse /1/ /klenz/ /klenz/
focus /10/ /’fəʊk.əs/ /’foʊk.əs/
closure /10/ /’kləʊʒ.ə/ /’kloʊʒ.ər/
analogous /0100/ /ə.’næl.əg.əs/ /ə.’næl.əg.əs/
habit /10/ /’hæb.ɪt/ /’hæb.ɪt/
widow /10/ /’wɪd.əʊ/ /’wɪd.əʊ/
magazine /201/ /ˌmæg.ə.’ziːn/ /’mæg.ə.ˌziːn/
gradient /100/ /’greɪd.i.ənt/ gradient
palette /10/ /’pæl.ət/ /’pæl.ət/
height /1/ /haɪt/ /haɪt/
visual /100/ /’vɪʒ.u.əl/ /’vɪʒ.u.əl/
alignment /010/ /ə.’laɪn.mənt/ /ə.’laɪn.mənt/
smooth /1/ /smuːð/ /smuːð/
deadline /10/ /’ded.laɪn/ /’ded.ˌlaɪn/
once /1/ /wʌns/ /wʌns/
early /10/ /’ɜːl.i/ /’3r ːl.i/
receive /01/ /ri.’siːv/ /ri.’siːv/
schedule /10/ /’ʃed.juːl/ /’ʃed.juːl/
lengthy /10/ /’leŋθ.i/ /’leŋθ.i/
signature /100/ /’sɪg.nətʃ.ə/ /’sɪg.nətʃ.ər/
summary /100/ /’sʌm.ər.i/ /’sʌm.ər.i/
method /10/ /’meθ.əd/ /’meθ.əd/
yield /1/ /jiːld/ /jiːld/
squirrel /10/ /’skwɪr.əl/ /’skw3r ːr.əl/
result /01/ /ri.’zʌlt/ /ri.’zʌlt/
outcome /10/ /’aʊt.kʌm/ /’aʊt.ˌkʌm/
trend /1/ /trend/ /trend/
approach /01/ /ə.’prəʊtʃ/ /ə.’proʊtʃ/
scheme /1/ /skiːm/ /skiːm/
level /10/ /’lev.əl/ /’lev.əl/
both /1/ /bəʊθ/ /boʊθ/
recipe /100/ /’res.əp.i/ /’res.əp.i/
period /100/ /’pɪər.i.əd/ /’pɪr.i.əd/
area /100/ /’eər.i.ə/ /’er.i.ə/
logo /10/ /’ləʊg.əʊ/ /’loʊg.əʊ/
within /01/ /wɪð.’ɪn/ /wɪð.’ɪn/
status /10/ /’steɪt.əs/ /’stæt.əs/
pudding /10/ /’pʊd.ɪŋ/ /’pʊd.ɪŋ/
heart /1/ /hɑːt/ /hɑːrt/
range /1/ /reɪndʒ/ /reɪndʒ/
afford /01/ /ə.’fɔːd/ /ə.’fɔːd/
product /10/ /’prɒd.ʌkt/ /’prɑːd.ʌkt/
retailer /100/ /’riː.teɪl.ə/ /’riː.ˌteɪl.ər/
improve /01/ /ɪm.’pruːv/ /ˌɪm.’pruːv/
visionary /1000/ /’vɪʒ.ən.ər.i/ /’vɪʒ.ən.ˌer.i/
different /10/ /’dɪf.rənt/ different
obituary /01000/ /ə.’bɪtʃ.u.ər.i/ /ə.’bɪtʃ.u.ˌer.i/
revival /010/ /ri.’vaɪv.əl/ /ri.’vaɪv.əl/
flourish /10/ /’flʌr.ɪʃ/ /’fl3r ːr.ɪʃ/
intricate /100/ /’ɪntr.ɪk.ət/ /’ɪntr.ɪk.ət/
lively /10/ /’laɪv.li/ /’laɪv.li/
pleasure /10/ /’pleʒ.ə/ /’pleʒ.ər/
author /10/ /’ɔːθ.ə/ /’ɔːθ.ər/
entire /010/ /ɪn.’taɪ.ə/ /ɪn.’taɪ.ər/
riot /10/ /’raɪ.ət/ /’raɪ.ət/
placard /10/ /’plæk.ɑːd/ /’plæk.ɑːd/
casualty /1000/ /’kæʒ.u.əl.ti/ /’kæʒ.u.əl.ti/
digital /100/ /’dɪdʒ.ɪt.əl/ /’dɪdʒ.ɪt.əl/
pressure /10/ /’preʃ.ə/ /’preʃ.ər/
prevent /01/ /pri.’vent/ /pri.’vent/
assignment /010/ /ə.’saɪn.mənt/ /ə.’saɪn.mənt/
avoid /01/ /ə.’vɔɪd/ /ə.’vɔɪd/
ahead /01/ /ə.’hed/ /ə.’hed/
sometimes /10/ /’sʌm.taɪmz/ /sʌm.’taɪmz/
proofread /10/ /’pruːf.riːd/ /’pruːf.ˌriːd/
gauge /1/ /geɪdʒ/ /geɪdʒ/
gather /10/ /’gæð.ə/ /’gæð.ər/
achieve /01/ /ə.’tʃiːv/ /ə.’tʃiːv/
load /1/ /ləʊd/ /loʊd/
complete /01/ /kəm.’pliːt/ /kəm.’pliːt/
share /1/ /ʃeə/ /ʃer/
relevant /100/ /’rel.əv.ənt/ /’rel.əv.ənt/
prioritise /0100/ /praɪ.’ɒr.ɪ.taɪz/ prioritise
handle /10/ /’hænd.əl/ /’hænd.əl/
develop /010/ /di.’vel.əp/ /di.’vel.əp/
suggest /01/ /sə.’dʒest/ /sə.’dʒest/
agile /10/ /’ædʒ.aɪəl/ /’ædʒ.aɪəl/
majority /0100/ /mə.’dʒɒr.ət.i/ /mə.’dʒɔːr.ət.i/
divide /01/ /di.’vaɪd/ /di.’vaɪd/
amount /01/ /ə.’maʊnt/ /ə.’maʊnt/
private /10/ /’praɪv.ət/ /’praɪv.ət/
manage /10/ /’mæn.ɪdʒ/ /’mæn.ɪdʒ/
topic /10/ /’tɒp.ɪk/ /’tɑːp.ɪk/
slide /1/ /slaɪd/ /slaɪd/
explain /01/ /ɪk.’spleɪn/ /ɪk.’spleɪn/
summarize // /NA/ summarize
issue /10/ /’ɪʃ.uː/ /’ɪʃ.uː/
realistic /010/ /rɪə.’lɪst.ɪk/ realistic
talk /1/ /tɔːk/ /tɔːk/
conclude /01/ /kən.’kluːd/ /kən.’kluːd/
among /01/ /ə.’mʌŋ/ /ə.’mʌŋ/
beneath /01/ /bi.’niːθ/ /bi.’niːθ/
thread /1/ /θred/ /θred/
undermine /201/ /ˌʌnd.ə.’maɪn/ /’ʌnd.ə.ˌmaɪn/
reminder /010/ /ri.’maɪnd.ə/ /ri.’maɪnd.ər/
core /1/ /kɔː/ /kɔːr/
lawyer /10/ /’lɔː.jə/ /’lɔː.jər/
triumph /10/ /’traɪ.ʌmf/ /’traɪ.ʌmf/

1.5 Échéances

24/09/2021 DN3Créa : Préparer la présentation orale des résultats de sondage
28/09/2021 DN3Ang2 : Préparer la présentation orale des résultats de sondage
29/11/2021 Rendre l’abstract rédigé en anglais du mémoire

1.6 Flashcards

Images Expressions
a backdrop
a billboard
a bow window
a bumpy road
a cell and its nucleus
a centrepiece
a complementary palette
a contrast by Pugin
a core
a display
a drawing board
a drum
a fastener
a feast
a folded edge
a greyscale palette
a grid
a hill
a loaf of bread
a loop around the city
a magazine spread
a monochromatic palette
a palate cleanser
a parlour
a path
a pillory
a placard
a puddle jumper
a radial design
a range of products
a ridge
a sales pitch
a sample
a scale
a schedule
a scrunchie
a scythe
a shipwreck
a slide show
a split background
a squirrel
a steam engine
a steeple
a storm
a symmetrical balance
a three ring binder
a trend
a triadic palette
a vanishing point
a Victorian slum
a victory flag
a warehouse
a wave
a wax seal
a windy road
a workshop
an ad in the street
an analogous palette
an asymmetrical balance
an iron railing
an outline
blank pages
bleed and crop marks
book binding
cool colors
Cornish clotted Cream
different typefaces
fastback binding
foot steps
glasscases of rare books
gold foil
googly eyes
lay flat binding
letterA with flourishes
letterpress printing
Melton Mowbray Pork Pies
mockup designs
monotype printing
neo gothic architecture
plastic comb binding
rough and smooth textures
saddle stitch binding
sans serif
side stitch binding
signature insertions
slab serif
some tools
spiral binding
spread dd
stained glass window
Stilton cheese
Stilton cheese
Stornoway black pudding
stucco neoclassical front
the brain
the chest
the Distinguished Flying Cross
the edge of a cliff
the kernel
the output
the root
the rule of thirds
the spines of books
the swell
the Tom Tower in Oxford
to aim
to be blindfolded
to bounce
to drag
to drown
to link
to poke
to polish
to throw overboard
to unveil
to weigh
warm colors
wayfinding design
widening a road
wirO binding